Monday, June 27, 2016

23 June 2016 - Week 5 Surgeon's Visit

20 /22  June

- My first physiotherapist (PT) appointment was earlier this week on Monday with a second appointment on Wednesday. Not too much to report he checked out a few things in regards to my strength levels and my ROM. I commented on my Glute issue. He determined that it was my piriformis and there was not much he could do with it at this stage of my recovery. It would be something my PT in Ottawa would be able to tackle. He stated risk of infection (no dry needling /IMS) or TENs machine due to the tissues and having metal in my hip. The second appointment was similar to the first. He did expand a few exercises I was already currently doing to making them more challenging.

23 June

-Visit with the Demon Hunter. We had a lot to cover since I have not seen her since the week before surgery (6 weeks). Big take away was continue to do what I am doing. In addition build a schedule for myself. I have lots of time right now being off work. So setting up a rough schedule for Mental and physical hardening is the direction.

24 June

-The visit to the surgeon. I showed up, nearly 1.5 hrs early as i had no idea how long it was going to take me to walk through the hospital. Not a big deal, just more time to read my book. Checked in, got sent for X-rays, then in to see the man himself. I had been warned by a few people that he sometimes doesn't show up for the first follow up post op. So I guess this makes me special? He came in we shook hands, and he asked me how I was doing. I replied "I don't know you tell me?" pointing to the X-rays on the screen. Dr Beaule replied "It looks really good'. "Well then I am doing awesome".
-We discussed the piriformis. Totally normal. The muscles in my hips need time to stretch and readjust to the new normal.
-I asked about the TENs unit (see above). No issues, use it as required.
-NO Restrictions (The post Op movement restrictions are now lifted)
-Cleared to drive
-Now lower body lifting for another 4-5 weeks.
-Another 4 weeks off work.

The heart of his instructions were this. I have no more post Op restrictions. Gradually re-introduce everything back in my life and daily routine as I feel comfortable. At this stage of recovery short of throwing myself down the stairs or going to the gym tomorrow and trying to skwat 4 hundo I am not going to screw this up.

So moving forward, working on what the PT gives me for Exercises. working bodyweight movements for upper and lower body. Using a gradual piecemeal approach adding something new everyday or every few days. I will be finding time to swim this week, probably tomorrow. Still A lot of work to be done before I am fully functional. Going to solve this piriformis issue first, re-learn how to walk while learning how the new hip moves. My left hip is going to recover fully.

Coach X

I was once told by "Coach X"  Buddy Morris the S&C coach for the Arizona Cardinals (pointing at my right knee post ACL repair):

"That knee may feel 100%. It may even feel better than your other knee some days. Never forget they have gone in and surgically altered it. It has been changed permanently. It is not your original parts. So there are things you will need to do weekly or even daily for the rest of your life to maintain it."

I have never forgotten that advice and I apply it weekly.
Now I get to learn how to take care of my hip moving forward.
Thanks for reading.

KEEP Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, June 17, 2016

16 June 2016 - One month Post Op

Some day being stuck at home doing rehab is hard. HA!

16 June
-my efficiency of movement is extremely high. If you have a pedometer, try for a day doing everything you normally do with half the normal steps. That is my life. No wasted movement. especially in the kitchen.
They like having a friend beast home during the day. So they can sleep on the deck instead of the couch. 

-   So last Saturday while sleeping I twitched in my sleep and was awoken by a strange pain. I would about a 5-6 on the pain scale but it last for about 20 sec and then disappeared. All i can figure is that i drove my heel into the bed, while dreaming of doing leg swings (NO idea why) and managed to slightly strain /sprain my glute?
    This is /was not a huge stopper for me. It was something to be expected post op and at least happened while I was in bed. The side effect is that glute is a little stiff and sore in certain directions of movement. I could still walk and do all my rehab so I count that as a win.
  The take away from this though as today comes and goes I am not quite ready to come off the crutches as prescribed /authorized to do. I am able to single crutch and walk very short distances unassisted (kitchen) so I know things are headed in the right direction just a little slow(er). I am maintaining my patience, everything is going to fall into place.
20 May- 1 day Post Op

-I can raise my leg fully to 90 deg so I have hit my full range of motion until week 6 Post Op
- I see a physiotherapist on Monday for the first time. Any residual issues I am sure they can clear up and get me moving freely.
26 May -1 week Post Op

-Weather was wet and cloudy last week. The Sun is back and it is warm so I am back to working on my tan.
-Everything just feels like routine.
2 June -2 weeks Post Op /Staples removed

-I managed to snap some scar tissue in my scar. nothing like a loud pop to freak you out. No bruising or residual pain.
- I see the surgeon in a week's time. I am positive he will be happy with my progress.  
9 June -3 weeks Post Op
-After I see the physio I will probably go to the gym for the first time next Tuesday. First week is going to be a lot of feeling out to find out what I am able to do.
-The next month some things are going to come back quickly. I am excited and ready for the challenge of a long slow rebuild.
16 June - 1 Month Post Op
-as you can see from the pics the lower part of the scar is healing well. The upper part at my hip crease is understandably taking a little longer to settle. No pain or itchiness. I do lightly massage it a few times a day to keep things supple.
-In a completely piece of U.F.I. I have been craving pancakes for about a week now.
-I am cleared to drive as of yesterday. I do not have anywhere to go other than the gym. Maybe the mall so I can walk around with all the other seniors. Realistically I will not be driving to far any how, i need to keep moving and sitting for longer than 10 min right makes things stiff and achy

Off to enjoy the sun.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

09 June 2016 - 21 Days Post Op

June 09

Kitchen Life
- nearly able to single crutch while I cook. I single crutch, realize I am still using the counter for support.
-cooking is faster as I am getting a system down for moving things around in multiple steps.
-I have decided as of yesterday to stand to eat for most of my meals. Help my body find it's neutral spot again (I stand tall with solid posture through out). It also seems to be an easy way to build my endurance on my feet again.
-Eating can get cleaned up a little more because i no longer have to worry about making sure I eat something with meds

- I have already gotten bored with the 1 set x 3 times a day x 10 reps format.
-It has progressed to multiple sets of each exercise for sets of 20-30 reps.
-every exercise is still completed at a slow pace with a 1ct hold at contraction.
-pain, discomfort and solid technique are the deciding factors for volume daily.
-don't read this as I am doing hundreds of reps per day it is an increase from 30-50 reps a day to something closer to 80-120 reps a day.

-Today is the last day for everything (NSAID's, Blood thinners, and Pantaloc)
-I have been completely off any pain meds since the weekend. I was down to only using them to sleep at night any how.

-priority is still on whole foods as it always should be. My diet is not super clean although i am making a good meals the priority before any junk i consume.
-Now that blood thinners are no longer a concern I will start adding BCAA's, fish oil, etc back in my regular consumption.

- I have been washing /showering since day 3. Brushing my teeth etc.
-My beard however is getting out of control. I think I can tolerate it for another week and then I have to do something about it. I am just not digging the giant super beard, it is too easy. I am not a trendy hipster.
-still using the commode in case you were wondering (HA!)
- The Scar /Wound is healing nicely. the last of the scabs are coming off and it is going to heal up nicely.

-as covered a little in the kitchen section I am approaching the single crutch phase which makes sense since a week from now I supposed to be off crutches.
-So to that end I have been and will be spending more time on my feet (ie: eating) and moving around (ie: trips to the picnic table outside, laps of the deck, etc)
-ROM for all my exercises is at the Max range I am allowed until week 6. There is still a little bit of swelling on the outside of my hip.
-wound /scare is healing nicely and I am still very lightly massaging it to keep it supple as it heals.
-It is exciting and a little odd that when I stand up straight my back and hip do not hurt, my shoulders naturally broaden and go back, and i have a natural lumbar curve. A minor thing that is very huge to me.

Thanks for reading

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, June 3, 2016

2 June - Two weeks Post Op

"Resourcefulness is the ultimate resource.... Most people have not gotten themselves to where they are ready to burn their boats.Most people if put in a situation where they will die or succed tend to succed. So if you want to take the fucking island, then burn your fucking boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.”-Tony Robbins

1 June 

-More mobility in the kitchen.
-During rehab exercises this morning there was a slight pull in my left glute during squats. So I finished up my exercises and gave myself a few extra hours before going through them again. I was going slow, concentrating. What i think happened is with the swelling going down things are re-activating and positioning. All apart of the process.

2 June
Finally out of the house for the first time 11 days. 

 I finally got to leave the house to get my staples removed. Which surprisingly was totally pain free. I had considered removing them myself if it was not for the fact i was scared of bleeding complications from being on blood thinners. Which was an unfounded thought entirely. The Doctor dabbed my hip twice and that was it for bleeding.

The staple remover looks like scissors.

29 Staples removed easy peasy

So now comes the next stage as the incision does the last portion of it's healing. So while it is doing that I have to keep up with the Rehab exercises to keep any scarring as pliable and not let it stiffen up. I am also doing some light massaging of the area also. So far no itchiness.

Overall things feel pretty good. My Abductor feels a little strained, not anything to be too concerned about. The IT /Knee Pain feels better and not swollen. Things are moving forward. Having fun with the process every day.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

31 May 2016 - don't envy my tan...

"Don't rush the front end of rehab." -Jim Wendler

28 May

Progressed to standing rehab exercises today. I was allowed to start yesterday but did not feel my swelling was minimized quite enough. My endurance while being out of bed is still limited to 10-20 min. So i get up, go out to the deck (sunshine is much better for Rehab Exercises).

They Consist of the following:
Leg Curl
Stiffness in lower quad /IT band is restricting this a little. 

Calf Raise 
As my hips loosen up i will have full extension no problem.

Leg Raise
Start /Finish

Not allowed to go past 90deg, Not able to get there just yet anyhow.(29May)

SQUATS (Okay only to 30-40% ROM. It is still a new beginning)
Taken 29 May, this is "deep" for me. It feels even which is a great feeling. 

Side Leg Raise
Start /Finish
Mid Point

I am still doing the following exercises laying flat on my back:
Leg Slide, Side Leg Slide,Toe point and Flex,Quad Flex,Glute Flex,
Raised Leg Ext (pics in previous post)

Finally from a seated position (maintaining a solid upright posture)
Leg Extension

Every exercise i have been instructed to do 3 sets of 10 reps daily. I do what my endurance allows me to do each day. If I can sets of 5 then 5 it is. If sets of 10 then 10 it is. As endurance builds I will increase the daily totals from 30 and move it up. The goal is slow controlled reps with a focus on rebuild my movement patterns.

29 May

Misc Thoughts & Notes:
-Speaking of patterns as my confidence grows with the crutches I am concentrating on walking tall, upright and controlled. I also make sure to measure my steps to rebuild an even walking pattern.
-if you have a choice go with a commode over a seat raiser. Also if you are male get a pee bottle or grab the one from the hospital like i did. Makes life easier.
-My daily ablutions are already becoming quicker as I figure out the routine.
- I face my biggest nightmare scenario to date, I dropped my reacher device on the floor. I used my crutches to pick it up. Now if I drop my crutches and reacher on the floor I just hope i am close to seat or bed. At that point i am still FUBAR'd.
-Swelling and discomfort are at a low. So now is the time where i constantly remind myself to grab my crutches before everything I do. In my opinion this is the most dangerous time post op, the transition from barely functioning humanoid to semi-functioning human
-the Quad /IT tightness I am sure is related to my glutes still relearning to fire. The surgery shut them off on my left side almost entirely. So i am doing the glute contractions a little more than prescribed until things feel like they are contracting properly.

30 May 

More rehab because well, that is all i can really do right now.
Swelling in my hip is down to the hip /pelvis specifically. Knee ROM is still a little restricted because of the tight IT Band. So over all things are steaming ahead like a slow locomotive. I am happy with this. If it is anything like my knee it will be a few more weeks for this intra-joint swelling to dissipate. 2 more days until the staples come out and then i will be counting the days until I can get in a pool or maybe a river since i do live on the St Lawrence.

31 May

-Learned the hard way i still need to take an Extra Strength Tylenol at bedtime. It seems after being stationary for a few hours while asleep my IT band gets super pissed and gets achy. During the day not a big deal, movement and ice takes care of it.
-Second day hanging out alone since my dad went home. The girl is off to work at 7 am everyday. I will live. Moving around the kitchen is not efficient right now, in a few short days i will find better ways of doing things and my mobility will come back at the same time.
-Swelling is way down. Isolated to my hip and knee. The knee is due to the irritation caused by the tight IT band or maybe because my leg was smashed around in surgery. Anyhow it is improving. Even the rehab exercises feel easier today.
-Phone call session with the demon hunter today. Just a check in. Every 10-12 days until I can see her regularly again.
-I really want these staples out now. 2 more days.
-progress equals happiness. at some point i stopped growing. that is where my depression and low levels came from.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)