Friday, April 22, 2016

21 April 2016 - 1 Month to go

In July 2012 I tore my ACL. Surgery in Nov 2012. I started writing this Trg /Recovery Log because I would be asked 20 times a day how my knee was doing. 8 mths post surgery I started having mild back issues and some hip impingment that i kept fighting through, working around, or getting treatment for when it got really bad. Nov 2014: an X-ray and MRI confirmed that I had bones spurs and arthritis in my hip. Sept 2015: I found out this meant a hip resurfacing (read: form of replacement). I write this for me now, to track things, and to organize my thoughts. In addition to giving my friends and family somewhere to go when they want to know how I am doing. It might also help someone else who has similar issues. I am not a medical professional. I did not stay in a Holiday Inn last night. This is simply my story as I progress through things.  Thanks for reading.
Physio Exercises Post Surgery
All exercises down laying flat:
3 x day / 5 -1- reps (restricted by pain or ROM)

Quadricep Contractions -lie on back, press knee into floor

Foot Slides -lie flat toes flexed , slide heel towards glutes

Glute Squeeze -lie flat, clench butt cheeks, hold for count of 5 sec.

Leg slides -Slide leg out from center line, slide back, keep toes pointed up

Practice deep breathing. Which I am already doing as a part of my weekly demon hunting /mindfulness training.

Restrictions Post Surgery (so far): 

-do not sit less than 90 deg, if I sit at 90 deg then i must sit straight up, no leaning forward
-no pivot turning (danger of dislocating hip)
-try to keep leg straight as possible while laying down on my back (may use pillow under knee for comfort partially), lay with pillow between knees
-no crossing legs

One the things i thought about this week is that i need to be doing some Pistol squats a few times a week. Since i will be one legged and doing a lot of them post surgery. Might as well be strong and prepped to do them in advance. So that will begin this next week.

Something else i thought of is new boots for work.  I have been screwed up for a few years. The surgeon will re-align my hips during surgery. So brand new footwear for work seems like a solid idea.

17 April 1240 hrs
This was a welcome change of pace. Not sure why I do not do this more often. I took advantage of the awesome weather so it was fun getting outside to sled drag as well as Floor pressing in the basement with an open door.

Floor Press w/chains -worked the weight up to a heavy feeling set of 10 then back down to 115+chains
did these other exercises in between sets:
Sled Pulls (I's, Y's, Facepulls, High rows, Midline Rows) 
KB swings 
Multiple sets of everything. I moved through all the exercises for about an hour.

The Chains I use are clustered together, homemade system. I count them simply as chains.
Guess-ti-mating their weight they are around 40lbs total,
Added weight or speed work is not my true intention though. I don't have 5lbs weights for my home gym.
I use the chains instead. Overall once i hook them up I leave for the training session.

The other side effect is how they can be used for dynamic effort for right now at least this is not my driving factor.
The Floor Press weight I set for something i could do 15 reps but kept it at 10 reps. The overall intent of this session was Conditioning and to get my blood pumping.
Mission success on this day. Oh and it was fun to train in the sun while wearing my sandals throughout.

18 April 
First day of shift, and weekday was Monday. A shift a worker we call this a double Monday. So what better exercise to do than BENCH PRESS! Yes I did floor press yesterday. I kept the weight light intentionally. This was a fast paced session. Working the Push Ups and Pull Ups in the early part of the session between warm up sets of bench. After the work sets I finished up the push ups and pull ups then switched to dips. Finished the session up with a solid arm pump by super setting the arm work.

done during bench warm up and work sets:
Push Ups on handles  12 x 5
Pull Ups (wide /narrow parallel grip alt) 10 x 3 reps

Bench (work sets)
1 x 5 x 155
1 x 5 x 180
1 x 5 x 205
5 x 5 x 145 (slid grip in 2")
Dips 5 x 5
Chest Support Rear Delt Db Rows 3 x 17 x 20 lbs
Rolling Triceps
1 x 33 x 20
1 x 21 x 20
1 x 15 x 20
Barbell Curl 
1 x 33 x 55
1 x 21 x 55
1 x 15 x 55
Pallof Press 3 x 10 x 75

19  April - Day off  Resting my lower back and hip. Shoulders /Pecs needed sometime off as well. Stretched. TENs Machine.

20 April 

Double trg day. KB swings in the Apt gym to warm up my low back and hips. This helped loosen things up for the work day
Single Hand Alt KB Swings 350 swings x 53 lbs KB in 20 min
rest exercises
Push Ups 5 x 10
Shoulder Crank 2 x 11 x 15 lbs

1750 hrs
A session for conditioning and to train accessory / supplementary exercises for the Bench session the previous day. Keeping the my upper body healthy and intact. As always using the KB to push my conditioning and work my hips and hamstrings pre-surgery.
2 Hand KB Swings (done through out) 10 x 25 x 70 lbs KB
Dips (done throughout) 10 x 3 reps
V-Bar Cable Rows 3 x 15 x 120
Wide Bar Face Pull (to chin) 3 x 21 x 105 lbs
OH Press/ Side Lateral /Rear Lateral 3 x 11 x 20 lbs
Bosu Sit-up 3 x 15
Pallof Press 5 x 10 x 80 lbs (L/R)
Back Ext 1 x 23 reps

21 April 
4 week till Surgery Day! 

Solid, aggressive training session. One of those days where everything seemed to click and fire on all cylinders. It must also be noted that this session a year was nearly impossible for me to do with the upper back/rotator issues i was having. I can also say that the day after no bicep tendon or shoulder pain, so i seem to have things figured out and moving forward.
OH Press (worked up to)
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 150
5 x 7 x 115
Pull Ups (Wide & Med Parallel Grip) 10 sets x 4 reps (all reps strong & quick)

Finished up with Rope Pushdowns, Superset of Side & Rear laterals, Head harness, Int /Ext Rotators,  AMRAP Barbell curls

Keep Moving Forward, Maintained your Fundamentals, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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