Wednesday, March 25, 2015

25 March 2015 - they see me dragging...

25 March
0615 hrs

Felt better this morning after putting thought into word last night. The two a days have me feeling better. Must be the extra endorphin's. My Hip has been a little sore since last night. I think I fatigued the Glute a little too much pushing the Prowler. Nothing I cannot remedy. Today's sled work was simply for Hypertrophy and recovery in my upper body, also not a lot of leg volume. But the GHR was enough blood flow into the legs it did the trick. Well the blood flow and an Aleve.
By Odin! Managing Intensity levels! 

Sled Drags 10 x 100 m x 50 lbs
GHR 5 x 9 x Red EFS band
The GHR was done at the end of every 200 m (100m out /100m back /GHR -Make sense?)
I reminded myself this is meant to be a primer /recovery session. I also decided rather than stand in front of the mirror with all the Bro's doing arm and shoulder work I would simply do it while dragging the sled. So I hooked up my Blast strap handles and pulled away.
Y's, I's, T's, Face Pulls, High Rows, Low Rows, OH Holds, Curls, Tricep Extension, etc. you get the idea. No counting just cover the distance and don't stand around.

I also got a chance to thank one of the young guys. We had a chat 2 months back. I changed direction because of it in my training. It is part of the reason I am feeling less beat up.
Some days it really does feel like the stair way to Hell

1630 hrs
Step Mill w/Weight Vest 20 min x 101 Flights
TRX 2 x 9 reps (Body Saw, Rollouts, Plank, Side plank, High Row, Face Pulls)
Sauna 25 min
Second Session of the day just as strong or strong(er) than the first one. I got the monkey off my back of getting over 100 flights. Now to keep building on it. My legs were able to hold out. I always suck wind, drool, and sweat profusely while using this but today my legs had the endurance to keep going at the faster pace. The Ab work with the TRX was much needed. I also did a bunch of TRX single leg deadlift, i have found this to be a solid rehab /activation to keep my hip less upset.
Had a situation at work presented to me in a slightly negative angle. After I was given a different perspective on the situation i decided to tackle it like a cold calculating PUNISHER rather than Hulk out. I really am living and learning these days. 

Managing Angry Moments:
Training at this time of day again I am reminded why i really do try to avoid it. I can live with the cocky young teenagers. What makes me laugh and want to caveman punch dudes on a daily basis is the false bravado peacocking tough guy bullshit from the varsity students. First off your hair looks stupid. secondly what have you done to be a legit bad ass? oh those gymnastic handstands and arm curls? Fuck. I have lived, trained, and stood along side guys who are more bad ass simply drinking their morning coffee because of all the combined accomplishments they have done in and out of harm's way.
Yes young fellah(s) you may think you are tough but like so many others it is what you do in your daily life for others that makes you a bad ass. Help others. Train to fight not so you can be a bully but so that you defend others.Lifting does not make you a bad ass. Ditch the macho tank tops. Man the fuck up and be more than a trendy hipster douche nozzle wanna be. Lastly for fuck's sake get a hair cut. That trendy hipster hair makes you look like you were dropped at birth and don't have proper cognitive function.

Yes i can be an internet tough guy. But I also know I can take a punch or two.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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