Friday, March 27, 2015

27 March 2015 - double recovery sessions

27 March
0545 hrs

KB Swings w/Mini Band (Mini) (All sets 1 min Rest)
6 x 1 min (40+ ) x 50 lbs & Mini Band
4 x 30 sec (24-26 reps) x 50 lbs & Mini Band
I was planning on cutting back to 6 sets but I thought about it this morning and I will try it this way to push it up to 10 full sets of 1 min at a faster pace. Counting the average reps per minute it was 43 -51 reps. Last 4 sets my grip was starting to wane so this format worked well. I will think about this and decide how to proceed in the next few days. Either increase full 1 min sets or cut 1 min sets and increase speed /tempo.
Dizenzo Rows
1 x 20 x Mini Band (both sides simultaneously)
1 x 10 x Mini Band (Right side only)
1 x 10 x Mini Band (both sides simultaneously)
No Rest between any of these sets.
2 x 9 x Monster Band
Face Pulls
10 x 10 x Pro Light Band (orange)
5 x 20 x Mini Band
Rest was short to put it lightly, 3-5 secs. Neck and Delts were pumped and jacked leaving the gym

So rest was short and the overall tempo of the session was pretty high, not circuit trg but no wasted time. get in, sweat and breath hard, get to work. short and sweet.

1715 hrs
Session number 2 of the day. Mostly body weight or light weight work to get some extra volume and recovery work in. Field House is closed until tomorrow afternoon. So off to the weight room it was. No access to the football bar for a few things planned so simply adjustments were made and it turned out better.
Fat Man Pull Ups

Fat Man Pull Ups 
10 x 15
Still cannot do full Pull us yet. These felt a lot better. They also tax my grip harder than regular Pull Ups. I did sets with the head Harness after every second set of these. rest was not watched but still minimal.
Head harness
5 x 25 x 25 lbs

1 x 105 reps x 65 lbs
Flush out my pecs from yesterday and build the rear rotator's endurance.
Rear Delt Laterals
3 x 20 x 15 lbs
First set was set at just above flat. Each set i increased the angle slightly. just to mix things up.
No Sunshine today, cloudy, grey, and then snow. Well I don't give a frack!

Rope Curls
1 x 17,17,11,17 x 115,95,80,40 lbs
One giant set. arms increased almost a 1/2 inch by the end.

Banded Push ups
1 x 25 x monster band (45 deg)
2 x 25 x monster band (30 deg)
I dropped the bar considerably after the first set. Next time i will drop it again. In between sets I did a set of curls. changing the exercise after each set. no rest other than travel time to and from the Db Rack
Db Curl 1 x 21 x 25 lbs
Hammer Curl 1 x 21 x 25 lbs
Gladiator Curl 1 x 21 x 25 lbs
Sauna  40 min

As I am cut out of the field house for a function I will not be able to use the Prowler or Sled Drag. i think I will lift and come back later in the day to use the Prowler when the Field is opened back up.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

26 March 2015 - Only Four Days late for International Chest Day

26 March
0550 hrs

Despite my normal crotchety demeanor in the gym I do BRIEFLY chat to people. When I was tested I was only in the 60% range for anti social tendencies after all. (No seriously)
Anyhow i helped an elderly gentleman in understanding the Prowler. Had a quick discussion on how paused wide grip Deadlifts are a decent carry over for off the floor sticking points.
Today I had a brief discussion about nutrition. Although I have tried Paleo briefly it does not fit my trg schedule or current lifestyle  and I cannot inflict that lifestyle on the wonderful girl who co-habitats with me. But I do have days or weeks where very little starchy carbs are consumed.
I heard the usual "I am allergic to gluten and Dairy" comment but then they said "I miss Peanut Butter". After a little back and forth I think they came away with a different idea. My thought was this:

Any Hard diet is exactly that, HARD to follow long term. So I simply suggested use the Paleo diet to adjust to something you can maintain that is healthier and will match your goals. You can still Eat natural Peanut Butter. Just keep the consumption in check. As well you can live quite comfortably on Meat and veggies. But the underlying theme was see it as a transition to something long term you can sustain and is healthier at the same time. I was thanked for the insightful conversation and then we both proceeded to go and train. shaking off the morning rust.

GHR 2 x 13
Rear Delt Lateral Row (Chest Supported) 2 x 30+ x 10 lbs
The GHR today was to get my Hamstrings and glutes firing. My hip discomfort subsided immediately. The Rear Delt Laterals I only half ass counted. the goal was to simply make my rear delts burn and pump up.

Incline Bench
1 x 21 x Bar
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 3 x 120
1 x 3 x 140
1 x 7 x 160 (all paused reps 2" above chest)
Still a small issue locking the shoulder blades in. But overall things are feeling a lot strong in my hands. The last set was controlled and slow. There was no struggling. Extremely happy with today's progress.

Lat PullDowns (45 sec to 1 min rest)
4 x 11 x 180
Single Arm Lat Pull Downs (no rest)
2 x 9 x 60 lbs (2 sets ea arm)
Another sign the right shoulder issue is coming along. All pull downs were strong with no tenderness. I can tell my Shoulder blade needs a little more mobility but it is coming back.
V Bar Pressdowns (1 min rest)
1 x 23 x 120
1 x 19 x 120
1 x 17 x 120
My Focus today was holding the shoulders back and tight. The moment that started to fatigue i shut it down. More Tricep Volume tomorrow.

YTW's (ISO Holds throughout)
1 x 20 x 2.5 lbs
1 x 15 x 2.5 lbs
This really is the most painful exercise I do every week. Nothing like making your shoulder blades and middle of your back cramp and feel like the muscles are on fire. Very slow and controlled today, especially with the rotator work

Wide Bar Rear Delt Rows Standing (Bar to Chin)
3 x 21 x 70 lbs
a slightly accurate representation of how it feels after you finish a set of  Rear Delt Destroyers.

Rear Delt Destroyer (one giant set -no rest)
1 x 51,63,21 x 60,25,10 lbs
I swear my rear delts were swollen 3" bigger after this set. Also Swole rear delts makes your Neck look bigger and thicker.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

25 March 2015 - they see me dragging...

25 March
0615 hrs

Felt better this morning after putting thought into word last night. The two a days have me feeling better. Must be the extra endorphin's. My Hip has been a little sore since last night. I think I fatigued the Glute a little too much pushing the Prowler. Nothing I cannot remedy. Today's sled work was simply for Hypertrophy and recovery in my upper body, also not a lot of leg volume. But the GHR was enough blood flow into the legs it did the trick. Well the blood flow and an Aleve.
By Odin! Managing Intensity levels! 

Sled Drags 10 x 100 m x 50 lbs
GHR 5 x 9 x Red EFS band
The GHR was done at the end of every 200 m (100m out /100m back /GHR -Make sense?)
I reminded myself this is meant to be a primer /recovery session. I also decided rather than stand in front of the mirror with all the Bro's doing arm and shoulder work I would simply do it while dragging the sled. So I hooked up my Blast strap handles and pulled away.
Y's, I's, T's, Face Pulls, High Rows, Low Rows, OH Holds, Curls, Tricep Extension, etc. you get the idea. No counting just cover the distance and don't stand around.

I also got a chance to thank one of the young guys. We had a chat 2 months back. I changed direction because of it in my training. It is part of the reason I am feeling less beat up.
Some days it really does feel like the stair way to Hell

1630 hrs
Step Mill w/Weight Vest 20 min x 101 Flights
TRX 2 x 9 reps (Body Saw, Rollouts, Plank, Side plank, High Row, Face Pulls)
Sauna 25 min
Second Session of the day just as strong or strong(er) than the first one. I got the monkey off my back of getting over 100 flights. Now to keep building on it. My legs were able to hold out. I always suck wind, drool, and sweat profusely while using this but today my legs had the endurance to keep going at the faster pace. The Ab work with the TRX was much needed. I also did a bunch of TRX single leg deadlift, i have found this to be a solid rehab /activation to keep my hip less upset.
Had a situation at work presented to me in a slightly negative angle. After I was given a different perspective on the situation i decided to tackle it like a cold calculating PUNISHER rather than Hulk out. I really am living and learning these days. 

Managing Angry Moments:
Training at this time of day again I am reminded why i really do try to avoid it. I can live with the cocky young teenagers. What makes me laugh and want to caveman punch dudes on a daily basis is the false bravado peacocking tough guy bullshit from the varsity students. First off your hair looks stupid. secondly what have you done to be a legit bad ass? oh those gymnastic handstands and arm curls? Fuck. I have lived, trained, and stood along side guys who are more bad ass simply drinking their morning coffee because of all the combined accomplishments they have done in and out of harm's way.
Yes young fellah(s) you may think you are tough but like so many others it is what you do in your daily life for others that makes you a bad ass. Help others. Train to fight not so you can be a bully but so that you defend others.Lifting does not make you a bad ass. Ditch the macho tank tops. Man the fuck up and be more than a trendy hipster douche nozzle wanna be. Lastly for fuck's sake get a hair cut. That trendy hipster hair makes you look like you were dropped at birth and don't have proper cognitive function.

Yes i can be an internet tough guy. But I also know I can take a punch or two.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

24 March 2015 -Perspective

24 March 
0555 hrs
I really need to record my thoughts first thing in the morning as I drive to the gym. Things in my head process and feel so much clearer.
Just as i was stripping away the unnecessary clutter I had a family emergency. So Thursday until today was a write off. Coupled with 10 hrs of driving on Sunday no idea how i would function today. But i was rested and well fed so that was a bonus.

Banded Side Step 2 x Lots VS. EFS Black Band
GHR 2 x Lots
Glutes engaged and firing!
(on a box w/ SSB because i cannot do them any other way)
2 x 21 x Bar (Bands around knees)
1 x 5 x 150 (Bands /Knees)
1 x 5 x 185 (Bands /Knees)
1 x 5 x 225 (Bands /Knees)
1 x 3 x 260 (Belt On)
1 x 3 x 295 (Belt On)
1 x 3 x 330 (Belt On)
This felt really light on y shoulders. I can tell as I get to the box things were off so i capped the top set at the prescribed reps today. i don't want any more down time this week.
Straight Leg DB DL
3 x 11 x 55 lbs
These felt really good. there was a time i felt uneven while doing them but today everything felt solid and balanced.

Back Ext Hyper Deads
1 x 9 x 95
2 x 9 x 115
Very solid today. I guy I helped out a few week's back walked by and said he wanted to try these later in the week. I warned him to start light.
KB Farmer's Walk
6 x 20 m x 70 lbs
Farmer's walk was something different today for neck /grip work rolled into one. I kept rest short so as to put more stress on my hands.

Post Work Conditioning /fight the demons work
1615 hrs
I decided last week that i need to bring a secondary session back at the end of my work day. I need to burn off and let my mind process whatever i have been wrestling. I cannot entirely explain it. I have had a lot of crap things happen already this year. Always looking for perspective and for the most part I am finding a straw, sucking it up. Or moving on when i start to feel too sorry for myself. Some of the shit i have had go on is personal and the other stuff i think i might just not  be entirely accepting. One thing i do need to do is contain my mindless anger. It has swelled up a lot lately for no reason. It will pass. I think part of it is i am not focused on anything tightly enough. the other part is the loss of my partner in crime and best friend earlier in the year is affecting me in ways i never thought it would. it really was the loss of a centering and calming factor in my life. time will pass and things will go about as they should. in the mean time i have to not take out too much on the other loved ones in my life. I am sure none of that made any sense it was too damn cryptic. fawk.
2 x 20 x 180
2 x 20 x 270
2 x 20 x 360
2 x 10 x 450
2 x 10 x 270
My legs were cooked after this. I did chat with an elderly fellah. He was curious about the prowler. I warned him of the prowler flu and he proceeded to throw 50 lbs on another prowler and push it around the 220 m indoor track. Bad Ass!

GHR 1 x 5 (both hamstrings started to cramp hard!)
Knew i was dehydrated so i slugged BCAA's and water and took the walk to the jam packed weight room. Bro's doing curls and stuff all in front of the mirror
Standing Leg Curl 1 x 35 x 40 lbs
Seated Calf raise 1 x 55 x 45 lbs
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

18 March 2015 - Slow days,fast month

18 March

I checked in and had not realized it has been 15 days since i wrote anything. Everything out of the gym in my life has felt out of control to a certain degree. Every time I thought i was catching my breath something else smashed me in the chest mentally or physically or both. It sucked but you just keep getting up and prepping for more.
 I am at a point now where I am slowing everything down, focusing on the basics, and keeping things simple. Eliminating the clutter.
There has been just too many hits I have not been expecting. Well that is life although it does seem since Jan 1st I have had more than usual upheavals. Maybe I am just more sensitive to what is going on around me.
Then it seems the last few weeks, the weather has finally started to wear me down. I am not normally one to ever complain about the weather but I have felt dragging in everything I am doing and even getting extra rest I have not been able to shake the dragginess.
Now that things are warming Up i need to get outside and get more fresh air.
Pause for a brief safety announcement

So the last few weeks:

-Saw Physio. Hip is solid. Low back is Solid. Right shoulder is definitely not moving properly. I had already adjusted for this. She told me to keep doing what i was doing as there was improvement.

-Saw RMT "The Shaman" put a rib back in and worked on the shoulder. There was definitely some knots and tension in my upper back and Traps. Steel Cable type knots. Painful but much needed and worth it.

-Conditioning Work is on the rise and I am feeling better. Lifting has been off my normal consistent schedule but I have made a point of just hitting what I am supposed to every 10 days and that has been working well.

Notable Trg Highlights:

5 March
Fat Pull Pull ups (Chest to Bar rows) Multiple sets of 10 reps
Using these to keep some volume up on my Lats and grip so when my shoulders are co-operating Pull Ups will not have fallen off as much. Using Machine Pull downs to keep lats engaged also (lighter than body weight)
FootBall Bar Bench 1 x 100 reps x Bar
I have taken Bench completely out of my training for at least the next 2 months. This is simple high volume rep work for recovery. In lieu of OH Press and Bench I am doing floor press and Incline Bench. Neither one is directly affecting the shoulder issues and helping me still maintain focus.
The Last few weeks Sleep, Hydration and Nutrition has proven once again it is paramount.

-I did do some TRX stuff in here but nothing noteworthy mostly Rollouts,Body-saw, and High Rows or Face Pulls.The Winter blas were hitting hard so I slept and did some light blood flow work trying not to go more than 2 days without doing something. Rehab stuff for my Hip still happens everyday because it has too.

11 March
Stair Climber w/weight Vest 20 min 90+ flights
This continues to slowly improve. I am resisting the urge for now to do this more than one day a week. I am afraid if i increase the volume on it my hip will become irritated. I am looking at to doing maybe a 10 min bodyweight session only once every two weeks.

13 March
If I can find one of these in the 70lbs-100 lbs Range i am getting it.

 KB Swings w/Pro-Mini-Band (Red) attached  (1 Min Rest)
10 x 1 min x 50 lbs
 This was very grinding by the end. Going to cut this back to 7 min and cut the rest to 45 sec next session. Then every two weeks shave 10 sec off the rest time. The eventual goal is 10 min straight of swings. I can't run or sprint but that is no reason to be a fat out of condition A-hole.

GHR -I am doing these several times a week. Different reps and numbers of sets. Added in Band resistance once a week. My growth in these has been slow and steady since I started doing them a few years ago. Very happy with where they are at now. Multiple sets of 10 or more on a consistent basis and I can do well over 30 reps now. A long cry from 2011 when I might be able to do 3-5 reps on any given day.

14 March

Incline Bench worked up to 1 x 145 x 13 reps
This was my first pressing session after seeing the RMT. My Lats engaged and stayed tight! Fatigue did set in but this is an encouraging sign.
Rear Delt Destroyers 1 x 50,50,25 x 60lbs, 25lbs, 10lbs
Doing this as a finisher. Figure the extra growth on my rear delts will only help matters and who doesn't like to mentally grind themselves?

15 March 
Prowler Doubled my normal volume with 360 lbs. Felt very solid,and this was 6 hrs after doing RDL's in the Morning. Also doing some random Seated Calf work once or twice a week now.
Pushing the Prowler has given me a sense of clarity and peacefulness. In between the dry heaves and gasps for life. 

18 March
Floor Press (last set) 1 x 10 x 170
Fatigue set in again around rep 8, so I paused, tightened the back again and got 2 more. NO pain afterwards. My lats were tight and strong in the warm ups. encouraging and exciting.
Single Arm PullDowns 2 x 15 x 55 lbs (no rest just back forth)
I got these from David Allen. I am able to pronate and supinate throughout the set and I end up with a burning pump in my Lats. I did them right after neutral grip pull downs which also felt strong(er) today.

I did do a massive amount of Prowler pushing the last few weeks and finally got back to sled dragging yesterday. But I kept it light and used it as a recovery /primer session for this morning. It is all about priorities and trying to keep them in check.
I have had this privilege in my life and only a few short days ago I was reminded of this rather viciously. But I am proud of all those I know who are still in harm's way and those who will gladly go again. 

Summing This Shit Up:
Hopefully if i can get back to logging at least 3 times a week. I have had a lot of strange work issues and personal things the past few weeks. I already mentioned this. But I have found that when I am logging on a regular basis my training is on track and I can track improvements daily, weekly,monthly.

I have sat down and figured out my macros and water intake which is something simple I can control from day to day. I have things laid out on a calendar every week. If things are off as they have been I am now held a little more accountable immediately. I do have a few major changes coming up in the coming months. I want my nutrition, trg, mental tenacity and physical ability locked in. From there everything else gets back to being easy. In the mean time while everything else in my life may feel like chaos I have moments of concentration, control and focus.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

03 March 2015 - Climbing the endless stairs

03 March
0615 hrs

Stair Climber (Step Mill) w/ 45lbs Weight Vest
20 min
210 Cal
93 Flights

Broke back into the 90+ flights mark. I am going to keep track of the Calories because I interval the whole 20 minutes to keep myself moving as fast as I can. This I think will give me a little bit of feed back along with the number of flights traveled for intensity and overall pace.
I started a little slower this week and thus finished faster. Although I am sure people were still watching to see if I would pass out and fall the 5ft or so off the step mill.
Moon's Out, Goon's Out

I finished up with:
GHR 2 x 17 (elevated 1")
TRX Body Saw 2 x 11
TRX Oblique Rollouts 2 x 20
High Rear Delt Row 2 x 20

I also did a few Pike Crunches, I & T's for Delts and Upper Back.
 I tried the Rev Hyper with some super light weight. Definitely a no go. It irritated my hip instantly.

I decided to Google my Surgeon today. Which led to me discovering that he had an email address. I decided to send him a brief email explaining who i was, how i got to where I am at, and that my career is on hold until this surgery happens. I made a point of not asking for special treatment just to have him take a look and consider my future. I figured the worse case he will read and ignore. According to his website it is a 9 month wait for arthroscopic surgery. So Technically I have 2 months complete and I am half way into my 3 rd Month. If that really means anything.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, March 2, 2015

02 March 2015 -Suffer....In Silence

Getting back to writing:
I have not been posting much for a variety of reasons. I got busy and away from the computer for a few days, which created a back log.
 Then my right shoulder started to act up a little more than normal. Which has caused me to shift my trg focus ever so slightly which was coming but i started it a few weeks earlier.

The mild Bicep tendon pain increased to point where I had /have mild pain in my shoulder which then translates to weakness in my upper back.
Internet medicine led me to believe it may be the start of a SLAP tear. So i backed off.
Cut out Pull Ups for 2 weeks. Pressing of any kind was greatly reduced.
 I see my Physio next week so I will ask her. In the mean time I have greatly increased Rear Delt work, Face Pulls, Pulling of all kinds.

I took a step back examined everything that I was doing in Matt Wenning's program (last summer) that fixed my shoulder issues on my left side. I  put that stuff back in. I noticed improvements in posture and how my upper back and shoulder feels immediately.

The change in my overall focus is going to be more conditioning orientated until end April. My weight has been creeping upwards ever so slowly instead of downwards. So time to make adjustments in nutritional and Training. It is like anything, I started kidding myself and got complacent. No Big deal.

Something else that is awesome is Joe Schillero 's trg log on EliteFTS. He has provided me with so many great things in regards to keeping my hip, glutes,and low back activated and healthy. The latest one was the Airplanes movement /exercise. Seems very simple but over the last month it has helped alleviate the tight Adductor(s) in my left leg caused by my hip.

Highlights from Trg for me:

-brought TRX Ab work back into the mix. It is helping big time with my transverse ab strength and helping my spinal erectors,obliques, and abdominals work together without irritating my hip flexors.

-Got through a grueling 20 min Stair Climber session (complete with weight vest). Thought i was going to pass out but I made it. The follow up work ensured I walked away and had no residual hip pain.

-with the increased tightness and strength in my upper back the floor pressing I am doing has produced a rep increase of 3 reps from last week to this week.

01 March 2013 Squats 1 x 15 reps x 315 lbs
Not an insane weight but with how everything has gone up and down the last few months this felt like a solid achievement. I was not breathing too hard after this and I recovered quickly. SO the Prowler work is helping my conditioning for sure
01 March 2013 (Evening session) 2 x 20 m x 360 lbs
doubled the distance i normally go with this weight, twice! Then preceded to hit my normal 2 x 12 m x 450 lbs.

Back Raise Deadlift on GHR (Row at top)
3 x 13 x Bar

I kept these very light today as I have never done them before and wasn't sure if they would affect my hip at all. The weight will go up week by week just like I did with the Good Mornings. Did these after Squats yesterday. One more exercise in the tool box I CAN DO. I enjoy these as well. Looking forward to doing some solid weight with these.

 I have met the young woman in the video. Her name is Julia Ladewski. I met her and her husband, Matt,  in May 2013. They are awesome people and outstanding trainers and athletes.

Thanks for reading. This Journey with the Hip and all its side effects, challenges, and personal growth is not always going to be fun. I have been forced to face some pretty hard realities the past few weeks. I am finding perspective every day. I still have a lot of fight left in me. I am human though and some days I may just want to be pissed off and angry at the situation.I am planning on going back to see my doctor as well as talking to my physio. I am too young, active, and resilient to be waiting for over a yr to get surgery. I know this may sound like impatience, I will admit it is a little. The reality is my career is on hold until the surgery happens. A career for all intense purposes that should be ending in 5 yrs and then I will move on.

 In the mean time i will keep fighting, finding perspective, moving forward and finding ways to get Strong(er)
 thanks for reading.