Thursday, August 7, 2014

7 Aug 2014 - Start of another cycle

3 Aug
0925 hrs
Arch Enemy at Waken bitches!

Sled Drags 6 x 80m x 135 lbs
Side step 3 x 10 x EFS Black band
Max Effort Squat SSB (1 RM) 
3 x 3 x Bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 1 x 185
1 x 1 x 225
1 x 1 x 275
1 x 0 x 295 (too high)
1 x 0 x 305

I tried 295 and 305. I seemed to get nervous /uncomfortable when i approached depth as I am unsure how my hip and low back will hold up.The confidence will come with time. More time under the heavier weights. The hip and low back did feel very solid on this day but their were a few days last week where it felt a little stiff. But it seems with a decent warm up i have been doing fairly solid.

DB Step Ups (rest 90 sec) 3 x 40 sec x 25 lbs ea hand (time to add another 5lbs per hand i think i got through this easy enough.
DB Alt toe touch (rest 90 sec) 
1 x 10 x 45 lbs
2 x 10 x 50 lbs
This felt great. Very stable and my left hip was not fighting to open up the whole time. encouraging move forward with this exercise.
Standing Cable Crunch (rest 1 min)
1 x 20 x 100
1 x 20 x 95
1 x 20 x 85
Single Leg Squat (rest 90 sec) 
2 x 6 x 20lbs
1 x 6 x 25 lbs
These get better every time out. barely touching the rack. I did try without touching the rack but not quite there yet.

**6 Hrs Post session** 
Sled Drags 6 x 50 yds x 135 lbs
The recommended weight for this was 200lbs. I did these in the long grass, bare foot, in my back yard. 135lbs was a slogging go for sure.On the last run, just as my legs were gassing out, my lady yelled out "dig in! you got this!" a half second later both my feet slipped at once. I was holding the strap in both hands behind yup! SMASH! face first into the grass. No concussion but my nose was sore for a few days.

4 Aug
0600 hrs

Db  Rear Delt Rows 
1 x 20 x 25
2 x 20 x 30 lbs
1 x 10 x 30 lbs  /drop set to 10 x 20 lbs
New set up on these which made them a lot stricter and hits everything in the upper back and delts. Will rotate bent these and the other set up i use.

Narrow Grip Bench (2RM) w/Orange mini Band Doubled
4 x 2 x bar & Bands
1 x 2 x 95
1 x 2 x 115
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 2 x 155
1 x 2 x 175
1 x 1 x 185 the second rep just was not there.
Head harness 1 x 17 x 35
3 x 17 x 40 lbs
Db Bench Press (rest 2 min) 2 x 2min x 25 lbs (30+ reps ea set)
Db Bent Over Rows (rest 1 min) 3 x 10 x 90
Rope push downs (as many reps /rest 1 min) 
1 x 19 reps x 100 lbs
2 x 13 x 100
Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to chin) 4 x 20 x 70 lbs
Ext Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs

5 Aug 
0555 hrs

2 Km Run for time with Full Kit  14 min 44 sec
I added my helmet this time. Felt A LOT better than last time. Still sucks but the running itself feels smother. Running with kit on always sucks anyhow.  
Kb Shrugs 1 x 50 x 53 lbs KB

6 Aug
0700 hrs
How I feel about morning PT

Unit PT -running and various callisthenics 
Things went a little off the rails today. I was forced to do unit PT which is crippling and lame. It was over an hour of running from place to place and dong various callisthenics. Not over taxing but enough that i will shove my next two training sessions over a day.

I also saw the Physio today. I commented on my low back and hip. Mowing for 4.5 hrs last night probably did no favours but the hip was stiff and sore before that. yeah, yeah it was the squatting. No not really.

 Due to the fact this has been coming and going we are going to look into this some more. I have to keep working on the stuff i have been assigned by her for my glutes and the other natural internal "core" stuff that I have been doing. She suspects my L5 might be a little mobile and when it shifts my left glute is getting turned off. I do more glute work than a Brazilian butt lift video so there maybe something else going on. I see her again next week as well as the RMT. In the mean time stability through the core is the driving factor.
She did needle my left thigh, i will probably bruise up as it is that sore. The stiffness i felt is gone and I have done a lot of clamshells tonight with more before time.

So the next 2 days are Squats and then speed bench/Pull Ups /Hill Sprints.

With some other stuff at work appearing on the horizon things might change again. But for now i will stay the course as it will only benefit me regardless.

I was holidays last week so i took a little time and read trough a few much longer posts on Fb regarding Crossfit deadlifts, and other pointless shit. People really have too much time in their day or their focus is completely in the wrong direction. So much more important shit going on in the world or probably even in their lives. But instead they want to rant and rave about shit that has nothing to do with them. Yes tear down others that are too busy doing shit with the gift called LIFE.  Fuck, our species really does need a drastic wake up call.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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