Wednesday, June 18, 2014

18 June 2014- End of last week and into Strength Week

13 June
0530 hrs

Sled Drags 2 x 100 m x  90 lbs (no rest just turned around)

Box Jumps 6 x 1 x 24"
Depth Jumps 6 x 1 x 24"

Sumo Speed Pulls 
1 x 2 x 135
9 x 2 x 155 lbs
Reverse Hyper 3 x 10 x 70lbs (3-3 count)
GHR 3 x 17 (to failure, 2 min rest)
Leg Raise 3 x 7

*Due to work I was unable to make it to my Swim Session 6 hrs later*
The speed pulls decent. My hip is coming along nicely and i am able to get into position easier and if i drift slightly i still get discomfort but not nearly as much as it has been. I have also been doing a lot of extra glute work through out my day. Now i need to make time to roll out my adductors and abductors. When doing the reverse hypers i make sure to switch sets between feet together and feet apart which changes the emphasis slightly. i was pretty stoked that i was able to do so many GHR's at once. they have definitely come along way since i first taught myself how to do them a few yrs ago.

14 June

Pull Ups 10 x 3
Speed Bench 
1 x 2 x bar
9 x 2 x 95 lbs

I alternated between these two exercises. A set of pull ups, 1 min rest and then a set of bench, then 1 min rest and then back to Pull ups. until completed. This was first day back doing pull ups so i wanted to start on a strong, full, completion session. 20 will fall by Christmas, if not much sooner.
Much Slower  pace after Bench and Pull Ups were completed
Rear Delt Rows (standing/EFS Strap) 
1 x 40 x 65lbs
1 x 33 x 65 lbs
1 x 40 x 65 lbs
I apparently had to get my head on straight after the second set.
Oly bar Curl (AMRAP)
1 x 115 reps x bar
This AMRAP set felt decent enough. I paid for it Monday night when the DOMS kicked in though and i could barely straighten my arms for 2 days. HA! The other thought i have had is that every time i break 100 reps i will add 10 lbs. So next week after Pull ups the weight is up to 55 lbs until I break 100 reps again. i don't expect a lot of jumps but it will be interesting in the next 6 mths how much i can grow and get strong(er).

Banded Glute Work (Black) 2 x 17 x Black EFS Mini band
45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 18
45 Deg Side Bends 1 x 18
One Arm KB Swings (1 Min Work /2 Min Rest) 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs
Ab Wheel 3 x 9
Wipers 3 x 9

Solid Pull Up /Silver Back Saturday. i will not be turning this into a crazy calisthenics day. Wenning's Program is Monday to Friday which i will be following and then doing my Pull Ups on Saturday when i am fresh in their own, low volume session with maybe a short duration KB session thrown in depending on Energy levels. Today's KB's were in the program but i will keep them on Pull Up day in a short duration session just to get some extra reps in doing Swings. That 15 min Goal is just around the corner.

Observation: Why do people pull the 45 deg bench and the GHR bench out from the wall? it is not like there is any movement from the equipment and the way they are situated they do not interfere with people doing movements on them.

16 June
0550 hrs

Sled Drags 4 x 40 yds x 160 lbs
KB Swings 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs (1 min rest)

Sumo DL (1 RM) Double Over Hand
1 x 1 x 135
1 x 1 x 185
1 x 1 x 225
1 x 1 x 275
1 x 1 x 295
1 x 1 x 320 lbs
This is 5 lbs heavier than at the seminar a month ago. It is a PR Sumo DL and a PR Double Over Hand as well. i hit the numbers for the day so i shut it down. Technique felt even better than the few days previous and flexibility was better. The Weight moved very well off the floor.
Straight Leg DL (2 Min Rest)
3 x 10 x 30 lbs
Noticed a pain /tightness in my Glute /Hamstring tie. When i saw the Physio later this morning she mobilized my hip and the tight feeling was going doing this movement. So i know what to do when i feel it next time.
Standing abs (Rest 1 min)
1 x 20 x 100 lbs
1 x 20 x 95 lbs
1 x 20 x 85 lbs
I really pushed the weight on these sets as instructed, i thought i was going to tear my abs off near the end of every set.
Single Leg Squats 3 x 6 x 20 lbs

6 Hrs Post Workout:
Prowler Push 10 x 40 yds x 70 lbs in 10 min.
This sucked. Happy i got it done.

17 June
0550 hrs

Rear Delt Rows 1 x 21 x 15 lbs (stiff just figuring out how stiff)
3 x 21 x 20 lbs
Bench Press 1 x 100 reps x 60 lbs (adding 10 lbs next time)
Considering i had to pull out the horse liniment and wrap my biceps i had no idea how this was going to go. This was the worst day for the bicep DOMS i spoke of.
DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 6 x 95 lbs (2min rest)
Tricep Pushdowns (fat gripz) 2 x failure x 110 lbs (1 min rest)
This was a touch easy so i will add 5 lbs next time.

Rear Delt Rows (Standing /EFS Strap) 4 x 20 x 90 lbs

Banded Shoulder Series (red) 2 x 9 x Red EFS band
External Rotator Work 2 x 5 lbs x 15 reps

Head Harness 
1 x 17 x 25 lbs
1 x 17 x 50 lbs
2 x 7 x 50 lbs
1 x 7 x 50 lbs drop set -----25 reps x 25 lbs
Neck Crunch 1 x 25 x 25 lbs (maintain balance)
This is simply extra energy, wanting to do Neck work and get back in the head harness.

18 June
0605 hrs

ME Floor Press (3 RM)
1 x 3 x Bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 0 x 185
My right rear delt was a little tight when i woke up. slept on it wrong. strained something yesterday. really it does not matter. i rolled it,stretched a little and got on with Floor pressing. Why is it important? Well on this particular set as i was lowering through my normal sticking point (on the way up) i lost tightness for a split second. In that split second the bar dropped to floor. I wasn't hurt. i laughed. got up. put the bar back and got a drink. i then put my F**KING HEAD BACK IN ORDER. Which seems to be a problem a few times in the past week for f*ck's sake! I then proceeded to do what i knew was in the tank for the rest of the day
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 195 ( i got a spotter for this one just in case)
The rear delt started to be angry so i called it there since it nearly caused me grief once already.

50% AMRAP 1 x 27 x 95 lbs
Cable Lat Pulldowns 
1 x 12 x 195
2 x 12 x 175
1 x 12 x 170

Rope Push Downs (1 min rest)
1 x 1min x 85 lbs
2 x 1 min x 70 lbs

External Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs

Went out to the gym and did some hip traction and hand stand practice.  and then stretched. My RMT also gave me some hip isolation drills that allow me to get things to stabilize out of their normal movement pattern. Seem to be helping my over all posture and stabilization as well.

tomorrow is a fast Prowler session, 30 min of a near death experience probably and then Friday is a short but intense 20 min session. Which works out as i will not have a lot of time the next few days. Going to be helping out at a community Range event for Pistol shooters.

I also had a day last week where i swear all the X-fitters in my gym read the same "work-out". Separately they came in over the hour or so i was training. They would come in, row for less than 10 min and then leave. Must be a deload day or something. Just a rarity to see all the random X-fit enthusiasts do the same thing when they don't have trainers or any way to be on the same routine, other than the main website i guess.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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