Monday, June 30, 2014

30 June 2014 - The month of dietary restriction is nearly here.

26 June
0610 hrs

 Trap Bar Fireman’s Carry
1 x 100m x 200 lbs
1 x 100m x 170
1 x 50m x 170 lbs
1 x 150 m x 170 lbs

Rev Hyper 2 x 10 x 50 lbs

Head Harness
1 x 17 x 35
2 x 17 x 45

Ab Wheel 2 x 13

According to the program it was supposed to be 400 yards x 200 lbs Wheel Barrow walk. I figured the Trap bar Fireman’s carry was a decent compromise this time around. The knurling on this cheap a** bar felt great as it ripped into my hands. The balance point was totally weird. So in other words it was fun. The other stuff was because I have too much energy and wanted to get some blood flow in those areas without breaking the essence of Matt Wenning’s Template. I did go to Jits later in the day for a 1 hr class.

27 June
1014 hrs
The whole idea is to get this done as quickly as possible with solid technique. 11 Min this week.

KB Swings (1 min rest)
3 x 1 min x 35 lbs (avg swing rate was 38 reps a min and getting smoother and snappier)

Rear Delt Rows (EFS Strap)
3 x 20 x EFS Black Mini Band
Wanted to stay in the gym and get this whole series done quickly as prescribed. The band worked excellent. I will keep this for the Friday speed sessions.

GHR (changed the foot position by moving it back one hole)
1 x 27 reps
1 x 8 x EFS Red Mini band…Dropset…1 x 8 x No band

Matt calls for Leg Curls in the book but with my knee being altered I have no desire to do either Leg curls or seated leg extensions. My knee is solid and feels great. I plan on keeping it that way. So as a compromise I have been doing the GHR instead. I will add the bands from time to time but the goal is to work up to sets of 50. The GHR also seems to be helping my glute activation which in turn helps stabilize my hip discomfort that is dwindling daily but I do have to stay on it.
Modified Silverback Saturday
28 June
1715 hrs

Pull Ups 10 x 4
AMRAP Curl 1 x 105 reps x 55 lbs
Head harness 3 x 50 reps x 25 lbs

Prowler Sprints 6 x 20m x 50lbs

At this point I left my training log behind but the gym staff found it during their rounds Monday morning so I managed to get it back. This session is purely for me to get my Pull ups in. AMRAP Curls are for my elbow health (& Ego). Head harness is because my neck is still not 20”. Prowler work was just simply to put me in the state of mind that is induced by hard conditioning. I simply ran the 20m as fast as I was able and rested until i was ready to go again. 

30 June
0728 hrs

15 min Light jog

Step Ups (1min rest)
2 x 1min x 20 lbs
Next time it will be 1 min per leg at a time.

Face Pulls 3 x 20 x 65 lbs
Standing Ab Crunch (w/EFS Strap) 3 x 10 x 95 lbs

Today everything other than the 15 min Jog was slightly off from the template as I was missing my book until the end of my training session. Glad I got it back. Tomorrow is the stair climber again. I plan doing more weight and more stairs this time. 

Lastly as for the month of Dietary restriction. it is not much. Cutting all the processed crap out completely. Cutting out Sugar (the white stuff in all its forms) completely. It is summer so i will imbibe, once per week. Lots of veggies and dead animal which is the norm any how. Just cleaning up the extra curricular things. I let things relax the past month for 2 reasons:
1. i was starting a new template and had no idea what my energy requirements would be from day to day. 
2. I had just come home from enforced dietary restriction so i was down a few pounds so i had some room for error so to speak. 
So no i am not going off the fucking deep end and living on Tuna and dry rice or anything. just doing what i should be doing. The harsher restrictions are to come later. This is all a process and I have it all mapped out. 

More Kits this week and i start a Wednesday night yoga class so that i stretch more and make it useful flexibility.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

25 June - Surprising answers and small steps to bigg(er) things

24 June
0545 hrs
Stair Climber w/Weight Vest
1 x 20 min x 27.5 lbs (81 Flights)

Standing Ab Crunch
3 x 9 x 95 lbs

A simple, straight forward day, I went back to re-visit the Standing Ab work with the Machine instead of the bands. I just get better set up and abdominal feedback than I do with the bands.
This was 2 firsts, First time on the stair climber, and first time using a weighted vest on any kind of machine. It went well enough. I dropped a few bricks from the Vest. I will add them in next time. I also took the pace slow and steady and increased it as I got warmed up. Learning process, first time is get through the 20 min prescribed time limit. Don’t get me wrong I sweat and was huffing by the end. I just did not go for broke the first time out.
Working with a team in most situations will produce exponential results.

25 June
0550 hrs

Banded Shoulder series 1 x 13 x Red EFS Mini band

ME Floor Press 3 RM
2 x 3 x Bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 205

Bench Press (bar does not get racked until finished)
1 x 100 x 75 lbs

Close Grip Lat Pull Downs
2 x 12 x 190 lbs
1 x 12 x 185
1 x 12 x 180

Tricep Ext OH (Rope) w/ 1 min rest
1 x 16 x 110
1 x 10 x 110
1 x 7 x 110

Rear Delt Standing Rows (wide grip to Chin)
4 x 20 x 70 lbs (held the contraction for a 1 ct)
*I kept pulling these to my neck today for some odd reason.*

Ext Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs

Stopped in to see a friend today, he owns a very awesome facility. This is apart of the plan I spoke of before I went away. I am very excited to be opening this relationship with a solid trainer that I really respect. Find someone strong(er) than you, learn from them and improve. That is what I am doing. It will eventually give me access to a team of lifters hopefully, which only expands things further. For now I will do a private session with him one or two times a month, he will be able to check my form /technique and push me when needed. As this develops I will expand on it. But i know this will take me out of my comfort zone which is right where i need to go. 

I also stopped into “the protein store” to pick up some supplements to give me “expensive poo” as some nutritionists say. Whatever, I feel better, I get bigger and strong(er) so f**k them.

But while I was in there the sales guy asks me “What is your training focus?”
My honest response surprised even me. “Stay healthy”

Which is the truth right now. I just came back from a month away. Before that I was battling multiple minor ailments /discomforts that I now have receding allowing my training to move forward at a quicker pace. I am enjoying myself, training daily and getting myself in the process once again. I will be tightening the diet back up throughout July and August, not stupid crazy but enough that I will drop below 220lbs by the end of summer. There are always periods that in order to reach the next level health and wellness will take a back seat. For now, for me, it is not that period of time, YET. Those days will return and I look forward to pushing the envelope once again to see what I have left in the tank. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

23 June 2014- End of Strength and the start of Conditioning

19 June
So much anger, must drive some of it out. But i think this program is stimulating higher Test Levels. 
5 x 20 m x 90 lbs (10 min)
14 z 20 m x 200 lbs (20 min)

The session was simply 30 min of Prowler. The next time this comes around I will shorten the warm up to 5 min and then make the weight jump. My low back was definitely stiff the following day as was my shoulders. In the Program it was supposed to be 30 min of x 100m partner carries, but without a partner I had to improvise. I think the partner carries would have been slightly easier. Lol

 I was on the Range from Friday to Sunday night pretty much volunteering through work to patch targets for a Local IPSC tournament. I did it last year and it was a lot of fun. It is Interesting to watch as well. I thought Powerlifting had characters. Shooters are another breed their very own that is for sure.

20 June 23, 2014
0547 hrs
When the Rider comes I will be ready and not lament a life wasted. 
 A short session was actually scheduled which worked out perfectly since I had minimal time before having to be on the Range.

KB Swings
2 x 1 min 15 sec x 70 lbs ( 1 min Rest)

Rear Delt Row (Wide Bar)
3 x 20 x 65 lbs

GHR 29, 33 (hands at hips instead of Vampire Pose)

Sled Drags 2 x 100 m x 200 lbs

The idea of this was to push the pace and have it done in around 20 min. I had it done in 25 min which includes having to walk back and forth to the weight room from the field house. I can eliminate some inefficiencies and bring the time down to 15 min I am sure.

23 June
0625 hrs

Sled Drags 2 x 2 min x 210 lbs (1 min Rest)

ME SSB Box Squats 3 RM
Bar 4 x 3 x Bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 225
1 x 3 x 245
1 x 3 x 275

Box Squats 100 reps w/ 15 lbs Db OH (minimal sets /rest possible)

Rev Hypers (3-3 Tempo)
3 x 10 x 90 lbs (feet together first and last set /Middle set feet apart)

Standing Ab Crunch (with Bands) 3 x 10 x Orange & Red EFS Band

The Banded Abs I will re-do tomorrow after the stair master of pain. I just don’t feel the bands give me a sold amount of concentrated work. I usually use the strap on the pull down machine but I left it in the car. (FRACK)
Everything else felt very solid. I am still using the black mini EFS band around my knees for the squats.
The OH Squats with the DB were interesting. I focused a lot on driving my knees out to prevent hip discomfort.

6 Hrs post workout
 (Actually more like 10 because lunchtime I needed food more than sprints)
3 x 600m (1 min rest)

I thought these went ok for first time through. The program calls for 6 x 800 m. I have a solid dirt road just down from house for these. I am terribly un-conditioned for this type of work (which is why HAVE to be doing it of course) so after the third repeat I called it because I was fading hard, that I thought I was going to poop my drawers. So a forth was really too risky. Lol.
My Girl went to a big "Horse Store" in the big city. She came home with this. She knows me so well. She did look for Blue Heat as well. 

Tomorrow is the stair master of pain w/ weight vest so that should be great. 

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

18 June 2014- End of last week and into Strength Week

13 June
0530 hrs

Sled Drags 2 x 100 m x  90 lbs (no rest just turned around)

Box Jumps 6 x 1 x 24"
Depth Jumps 6 x 1 x 24"

Sumo Speed Pulls 
1 x 2 x 135
9 x 2 x 155 lbs
Reverse Hyper 3 x 10 x 70lbs (3-3 count)
GHR 3 x 17 (to failure, 2 min rest)
Leg Raise 3 x 7

*Due to work I was unable to make it to my Swim Session 6 hrs later*
The speed pulls decent. My hip is coming along nicely and i am able to get into position easier and if i drift slightly i still get discomfort but not nearly as much as it has been. I have also been doing a lot of extra glute work through out my day. Now i need to make time to roll out my adductors and abductors. When doing the reverse hypers i make sure to switch sets between feet together and feet apart which changes the emphasis slightly. i was pretty stoked that i was able to do so many GHR's at once. they have definitely come along way since i first taught myself how to do them a few yrs ago.

14 June

Pull Ups 10 x 3
Speed Bench 
1 x 2 x bar
9 x 2 x 95 lbs

I alternated between these two exercises. A set of pull ups, 1 min rest and then a set of bench, then 1 min rest and then back to Pull ups. until completed. This was first day back doing pull ups so i wanted to start on a strong, full, completion session. 20 will fall by Christmas, if not much sooner.
Much Slower  pace after Bench and Pull Ups were completed
Rear Delt Rows (standing/EFS Strap) 
1 x 40 x 65lbs
1 x 33 x 65 lbs
1 x 40 x 65 lbs
I apparently had to get my head on straight after the second set.
Oly bar Curl (AMRAP)
1 x 115 reps x bar
This AMRAP set felt decent enough. I paid for it Monday night when the DOMS kicked in though and i could barely straighten my arms for 2 days. HA! The other thought i have had is that every time i break 100 reps i will add 10 lbs. So next week after Pull ups the weight is up to 55 lbs until I break 100 reps again. i don't expect a lot of jumps but it will be interesting in the next 6 mths how much i can grow and get strong(er).

Banded Glute Work (Black) 2 x 17 x Black EFS Mini band
45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 18
45 Deg Side Bends 1 x 18
One Arm KB Swings (1 Min Work /2 Min Rest) 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs
Ab Wheel 3 x 9
Wipers 3 x 9

Solid Pull Up /Silver Back Saturday. i will not be turning this into a crazy calisthenics day. Wenning's Program is Monday to Friday which i will be following and then doing my Pull Ups on Saturday when i am fresh in their own, low volume session with maybe a short duration KB session thrown in depending on Energy levels. Today's KB's were in the program but i will keep them on Pull Up day in a short duration session just to get some extra reps in doing Swings. That 15 min Goal is just around the corner.

Observation: Why do people pull the 45 deg bench and the GHR bench out from the wall? it is not like there is any movement from the equipment and the way they are situated they do not interfere with people doing movements on them.

16 June
0550 hrs

Sled Drags 4 x 40 yds x 160 lbs
KB Swings 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs (1 min rest)

Sumo DL (1 RM) Double Over Hand
1 x 1 x 135
1 x 1 x 185
1 x 1 x 225
1 x 1 x 275
1 x 1 x 295
1 x 1 x 320 lbs
This is 5 lbs heavier than at the seminar a month ago. It is a PR Sumo DL and a PR Double Over Hand as well. i hit the numbers for the day so i shut it down. Technique felt even better than the few days previous and flexibility was better. The Weight moved very well off the floor.
Straight Leg DL (2 Min Rest)
3 x 10 x 30 lbs
Noticed a pain /tightness in my Glute /Hamstring tie. When i saw the Physio later this morning she mobilized my hip and the tight feeling was going doing this movement. So i know what to do when i feel it next time.
Standing abs (Rest 1 min)
1 x 20 x 100 lbs
1 x 20 x 95 lbs
1 x 20 x 85 lbs
I really pushed the weight on these sets as instructed, i thought i was going to tear my abs off near the end of every set.
Single Leg Squats 3 x 6 x 20 lbs

6 Hrs Post Workout:
Prowler Push 10 x 40 yds x 70 lbs in 10 min.
This sucked. Happy i got it done.

17 June
0550 hrs

Rear Delt Rows 1 x 21 x 15 lbs (stiff just figuring out how stiff)
3 x 21 x 20 lbs
Bench Press 1 x 100 reps x 60 lbs (adding 10 lbs next time)
Considering i had to pull out the horse liniment and wrap my biceps i had no idea how this was going to go. This was the worst day for the bicep DOMS i spoke of.
DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 6 x 95 lbs (2min rest)
Tricep Pushdowns (fat gripz) 2 x failure x 110 lbs (1 min rest)
This was a touch easy so i will add 5 lbs next time.

Rear Delt Rows (Standing /EFS Strap) 4 x 20 x 90 lbs

Banded Shoulder Series (red) 2 x 9 x Red EFS band
External Rotator Work 2 x 5 lbs x 15 reps

Head Harness 
1 x 17 x 25 lbs
1 x 17 x 50 lbs
2 x 7 x 50 lbs
1 x 7 x 50 lbs drop set -----25 reps x 25 lbs
Neck Crunch 1 x 25 x 25 lbs (maintain balance)
This is simply extra energy, wanting to do Neck work and get back in the head harness.

18 June
0605 hrs

ME Floor Press (3 RM)
1 x 3 x Bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 0 x 185
My right rear delt was a little tight when i woke up. slept on it wrong. strained something yesterday. really it does not matter. i rolled it,stretched a little and got on with Floor pressing. Why is it important? Well on this particular set as i was lowering through my normal sticking point (on the way up) i lost tightness for a split second. In that split second the bar dropped to floor. I wasn't hurt. i laughed. got up. put the bar back and got a drink. i then put my F**KING HEAD BACK IN ORDER. Which seems to be a problem a few times in the past week for f*ck's sake! I then proceeded to do what i knew was in the tank for the rest of the day
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 195 ( i got a spotter for this one just in case)
The rear delt started to be angry so i called it there since it nearly caused me grief once already.

50% AMRAP 1 x 27 x 95 lbs
Cable Lat Pulldowns 
1 x 12 x 195
2 x 12 x 175
1 x 12 x 170

Rope Push Downs (1 min rest)
1 x 1min x 85 lbs
2 x 1 min x 70 lbs

External Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs

Went out to the gym and did some hip traction and hand stand practice.  and then stretched. My RMT also gave me some hip isolation drills that allow me to get things to stabilize out of their normal movement pattern. Seem to be helping my over all posture and stabilization as well.

tomorrow is a fast Prowler session, 30 min of a near death experience probably and then Friday is a short but intense 20 min session. Which works out as i will not have a lot of time the next few days. Going to be helping out at a community Range event for Pistol shooters.

I also had a day last week where i swear all the X-fitters in my gym read the same "work-out". Separately they came in over the hour or so i was training. They would come in, row for less than 10 min and then leave. Must be a deload day or something. Just a rarity to see all the random X-fit enthusiasts do the same thing when they don't have trainers or any way to be on the same routine, other than the main website i guess.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

11 June 2014 - Back from out west

I was damn living like a Savage Barbarian while i was away. 
So i made it home safe and sound. Parts of my time away was fun. other parts frustrating but very manageable. I got sleep, food, and i was not soaking wet most of the time so i was pretty well off. I got some rehab squeezed in here and there but no actual trg. If i was away for longer i probably would have linked up and trained with a few of the dedicated animals around camp who either brought there own weights or made some while they were in the Camp.
I was content to do rehab with my bands (LOTS of Glute activation stuff) and do lots of walking. Lots of Walking. On average we walked a minimum of 6km a day, some days more like 13 or 14km in a single day. not to mention i was on my feet from before sun up to sun down initially.
When "business picked up" things changed but then i was wearing 20-30lbs of kit, hauling water jerries, fule jerries, ration boxes, etc. I was active but not gym active. I did not feel too worse for wear this week when i got back in the gym.
i came home with a raspy death rattle hack /phlegm chest so i slept as much as i could tolerate the first 3 days i was home. Then Tuesday morning i had enough lazing around. I will say this though going from rations to actual cooked food has never been easier. I started my magnesium supplementation when i got home, over dosing slightly, and i feel right as rain. i am down rough 10lbs due to the increased activity, change in daily routine, and the fact that having 6 food choices for just over 2 weeks will eventually lead you to eat much less than you normally would. Oh and very little junk or booze while away as well. So back to the focus:
Somehow i have my doubts he said this. Lol.

0545 hrs
Sled Drags (waist strap) 4 x 100 m x 90 lbs (using the imitation Prowler)
Warm things up, stretch things out actively, and build some General Phys. Prep (GPP)

Banded Shoulder Series 1 x 15 x Red EFS Band

SSB Box Squat (1" above paralell)
2 x 5 x Safety Squat Bar )for arguments sake the bar weighs 45lbs)
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 20 x 95
1 x 15 x 95
*ALL Sets were done with a Black EFS mini band around my knees

So going into this my hip felt normal and good. No swelling or inflammation, things seemed to be firing in my glutes and hamstrings. By the set with 225 lbs i could tell my left side was starting to fatigue, i could hold technique but it as time to shut things down. I did the two drop down sets with 95lbs to re-enforce the knees out technical change and to make everything work a little more with less weight.

GHR 9, 11, 11
Reverse Hyper (feet apart) 2 x 8 x 120 lbs
AB Wheel 2 x 13
TKE's 75 reps each leg
DB Single leg toe touches 2 x 6 x 40 lbs (ea hand)
Step Ups 1 x 11 20 lbs (ea hand)

Trying to focus on weak points. Next week i will do the DB work first. I was disappointed with my balance and lack of strength and muscular endurance with both the DB exercises but now i have something to work on. I am sure as these exercises get easier my main lifts will go up. I am planning on getting together with a few different people to get them to either video my squat or at least watch and critique.

I learned a lot at the end of April from Matt Wenning and Dave Tate, now it is time to apply those lessons and gain something from it.

Spent the rest of the day shooting paper on the range.

I can tell today I really stressed my Hamstring and glutes where they tie in together. A little more sore on my weak side which is to be expected i guess. My hip is mildly sore but now knowing to do the glute work the hip discomfort is manageable. I see the RMT on Friday.

0620 hrs

45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 20
45 Deg Side bends 1 x 15
DB Rear Delt Rows (Chest supported) 4 x 20 x 25 lbs

Bench (Medium Grip)
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 2 x 95
1 x 2 x 115
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 2 x 155
1 x 2 x 185
1 x 2 x 205

Called it there. I wanted solid reps. I probably could have grinded out 215 lbs but there was no reason to bother today. The limiting factor seems to be my wrist strength. The Changes that were made to my Bench by Matt Wenning have cleaned up the upper back  issue. But the proper technique requires that my wrists be neutral. This is something i am sure will come along quickly and i will go wrap-less as much as possible to further facilitate the process of making the little weaknesses strong(er). I was happy because there was nothing funny with my left shoulder going on, the bar path was straight up/ down, and the weight stayed over my wrist and elbows. These were all key factors that i need to focus on. When the little weaknesses catch up the big weights will come.
I will say this, with the minor changes in my bench technique my triceps fire differently while stability in my elbows feels increased. This is something else i will need spotters and lifting buddies to keep an eye on to make sure i am not creating new grooves or trying to work around weaknesses..

DB Bench 2 x 2 min x 25 lbs (2min rest)
Db Rows (knee up & holding onto Bench)
1 x 10 x 65 lbs
1 x 10 x 75 lbs
1 x 10 x 85 lbs

The DB Bench for time was a new experience. I did count the reps to see the difference between sets for myself. This is directly from the new template i am working. I can also see how this will help shoulder health and keep things moving smoothly. I have not done DB Rows in awhile so i was reminded of two things. One they are damn near Cardio when done heavy and fast. Two i have a love /hate with how they seem to kick my ass. Out of the comfort Zone.
OR you puke and then pass out from the DB Rows!

Tricep Push Downs (Rope) 1 min Rest
1 x 21 x 110
1 x 11 x 125
1 x 9 x 110
Rear Delt Cable Rows (Standing /Wide bar /to Chin)
4 x 20 x 70 lbs
Banded Shoulder Series 2 x 15 x Red EFS Band
KB Swings 2 x 1 min x 53 lbs (2 Min rest)

Finished up with some tricep work. I messed this up a little. I find any Arm work after being out of the gym for an extended time always seems to create a weird strength curve, which i forget about everytime it seems, Lol. Strong from the "farmer conditioning" i was doing but there is no direct bicep /tricep endurance when isolated.
The Rear Delt Rows are a new exercise for me. I enjoyed them. I was able to hold the contraction for a 1 sec pause which made my rear delts contract a little harder.
KB Swings are not in the template but I have a summer goal of doing 13 min of KB swings by 1 Sept so i am working the volume in where i can.
KB Swings also fit the bill for my Glute /Hamstring weakness. They will increase my conditioning overall (if i don't get to crazy about doing them too much). My Low back will get strengthened as well. They will tax my grip which i mentioned is a slight issue with my Bench. So for now at least they are a multiple benefit exercise as long as i keep using them intelligently and don't over use them.

So where am i headed? What am i doing with my training? How do i achieve the long term goals while staying true to the underlying philosophies that have gotten me to this point?

I have adopted Matt Wenning approach laid out in his book. i will follow the template he has laid out as close as i can. The man has a Master of Science in Sport Bio-mechanics and is one of the best Powerlifters /strength coaches of his generation. So i will follow what he has laid out as best I can and make adjustments (while still seeking the intent) when it is required, not when i simply don't want to do something.
In fact that is part of the fun of a new template. not since i first bought Wendler's 5/3/1 when he first released it so many years ago do i feel like i have a new way to forge ahead.

Wendler's program has worked wonders for me. But after nearly 5 yrs it is time for a change. Let someone else's program push me out of my comfort zone. That was thing, 5/3/1 was comfortable to me. In order to progress this is required. The basic template i have seen before in a few other's programs and it has similarities to what i was doing before just more structured for what i want to do right now.

I am going to spend the next 3 mths creating some balance and stability in my strengths /weaknesses.
 I am also going to be altering and focusing my conditioning. I am not becoming a triathlete, Far from it, i am simply going to focus my conditioning with a little more specificity. Lastly there will still be a heavy focus on Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, Standing OH Press, and Pull Ups because those are the staples I swear by and will always live by. I also have some other martial skills i need to bring back into my life at least in a skill/ practice aspect initially, with time they may become a focus again.

I have reviewed the notes from the seminar.I have gone over the corrections and weaknesses I need to correct in order to progress. I had a lot of time to think while i was away (no Cell, TV or Internets). It is with Nervous excitement I am once again moving forward. I am Injury free, the next 3 months will give me feedback. The first steps have been made, no reason to stop now.

Keep getting Strong(er), Keep Moving Forward