Sunday, August 4, 2013

04 Aug 2013- "Fitness Terrorism" in full effect...

0915 hrs
Getting out of the car this morning i heard and then saw what i normally dread Sunday mornings. Fitness Enthusiasts aka Wanna be Cross fitters. I have time for the really serious Cross fitters who don't sound like they have ingested liters of the Kool Aid. But for the 2 super bubbly girls with their male companions i cringe at. Normally they come in and use weird plate math and between 4 people manage to use all of the the plates and bars some how. Today for me was DEAD LIFT day. The day of the week where all the pent up frustration and anger gets focused in raising the dead. So I did what any Alpha male is supposed to do...I peed in the corner and marked my territory before anything else. I loaded all the plates i would need for at least my first 4-5 sets. Then i got on with my warm up and mobility work. Still feeling pretty damn solid after The RMT Shaman's handiwork.

Warm Up:
Unloaded 8 x 45 plates from a loaded bar, then cleaned up most of the area.
Rollovers 1 x 10
Bench Jumps 3
Mtn Climbers 10, 15
Banded Side Step 10, 13
Hip Mobility Series X (psoas and hips loosened up quickly today)
Ankle Mobility (ankle feels pretty solid)
Used the Dip station as a Mobility and Stretching station as seen in this wonderful Russian Video:
Klokov Warm Up

Ya Know I had to make sure i could easily Out Deadlift THE WOLVERINE (HA!)

1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 3 x 175
1 x 3 x 205
1 x 3 x 235
1 x 10 x 265 (Rep PR)

Joker Sets
1 x 3 x 295
1 x 3 x 330
1 x 2 x 365
First /Last
5 x 5 x 205 (very fast reps)
The Max Rep set of 265 felt nothing short of fast and light, in other words, Awesome. Unlike previous weeks my technique did not go into a shit storm with the heavier weights and held together until the set with 265. First rep was still decently fast but the second rep was nothing short of ugly. The drop down sets (first set last) were quick and fast. They felt very good. So i defied my 3 x3 week curse with deadlifts at least this cycle.
Mjolnir Technique was fully in effect today.

Fronts Squats (used my Red EFS Knee Wraps)
1 x 10 x bar
1 x 10 x 115
3 x 9 x 135

Used the Knee wraps mostly to see if they would help with the tight patellar tendon issue. They did so i felt them on. i will start looking at working my Front Squat number up. I do have a side goal of 315 x 1 with a 3 sec pause by the end of the year. This is something i decided on pre-surgery that i wanted to to re-build my Quads. Not a driving goal but something later in the year when the Snow hits i will be focusing on.

GHR 3 x 9
TKE's 1 x 20
Single Arm (Dual Kung Fu Action) Tri-Ext 3 x 50 x Orange Mini
JL Plank 2 sets
Double Plate Plank 1 x 10 kg x 20 sec

I really took my time and messed around at this point. With the K-Town Triathlon getting home would have been a waste of time before noon so i used my time in the gym to do little things. I also used the Dipping station again as a ROM and muscle re-leaser. It is my new favorite recovery tool.

Oh and as for the fitness enthusiasts, they did a lot of fist bumping, but not a whole lot of anything else. My concern for getting to use the plates i required was misguided this time..
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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