I slept like absolute garbage last night. So i was very slow moving this morning. which only added to my agitation. There has been a lot going on and although i know i need to gauge my reaction to things to truly dictate how i will react and feel about situations this has been an entire week of multiple things with out me either taking the time to slow down or simply finding the time. So i decided just like last week to focus my rage into my Deadlift session.
Groiners, Mtn Climbers, Hip Mobility Series X, Rollovers 10 ea
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 5 x 195
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 10 x 255
1 x 5 x 285 (Double OH w/one quick reset of my grip)
1 x 5 x 315 (alternating)
1 x 5 x 345 (alternating)
First /Last
5 x 5 x 195 lbs
Do to my lack of sleep and late arrival i shut it down after this. But really the point of the day is to Deadlift and i achieved that. Although i don't like skipping assistance work sometimes you have to remember what the core of the program is. This was a good session to focus my pent up anger. I got most of it out. Things were not quite as peppy off the floor this week but my set up still felt solid and things did move fairly fast. I will in future review JL HOLDSWORTH'S DL VIDEO before every Deadlift session. just to remind myself of the cues for the Mjolnir Technique. The set with 255 was Double OH, I stopped at 10, it is simply a limit i have placed for DL sets. The 285 felt smooth and I did not have to reset until after rep 3 and that was just to re-tighten my grip and verify my back was still arched. 315 and 345 felt very good. The 345 was slow but smooth. My Low back is only slightly achy and tight which means on the heavier Joker sets my form held together. unlike a few weeks ago where I Deadlifted 345 and my back looked like a bow and everything was stiff and tight. So progress is being made.
Yeah it was this kind of Morning.
News & Notes from the Physio Therapist today:
-everything is still improving.
-My left shoulder blade is fine and well place until i place it under load (ie push up position)
-I will be doing push ups on a wall to re-train things.
-She gave me a variation of an exercise which really fires up my Serratus and rear rotators
-I will be doing this with a band although the pulley is an option the key take away here for me is the Towel. It isolates closer to what i want to activate and strengthen. It helps to shut off /unload my delt and everything else. I also have to use a 3-5 count on the concentric with a 10-12 sec eccentric. The slower i go the more the rear rotator and serratus will take over and do the work which is what I want.
-I came away excited because she really wants me to hit this hard 2 sets of 10 reps x 2 sessions daily. The harder i work this the faster it should kick in.
28 Aug 2013 0545 hrs
The Focus today as per usual is recovery and rehab for my serratus. So I also opted to go with my tow straps at my elbows over my blast straps as handles. It allows me to mimic my bench position and force things to engage safely. Building strength and endurance as well, at least that is the intent. I am also experimenting with the exercises given to me to figure out which one will engage my serratus the most.
Sled Drags
6 x 20 m Back wards /20 m Forwards x 35 kg
GHR 13, 13, 9
These felt really good today. Fast and explosive. I am also going to try and start pushing the reps a little higher (sets of 15) Head Harness 6 x 17 x 26 lbs
Do i ever really miss doing head harness or some sort of neck work? I mean really? Caber Curls 4 x 5 x 20 kg (+bar)
I really did these just for fun. I may throw them in from time to time. I should have gone with a lot more weight but with Deadlifting the next day i was not looking to fry my arms with a brand new exercise.
Push Up Shrug 9 , 11
I did not feel a whole lot of engagement from these. But i will still continue to do these to see if something clicks. Land Mine Shrug 2 x 12 x 25 lbs
Sort of worked as an engaging exercise. As did the blast strap work below. Super Set Blast strap Push Ups 3 x 5 Blast Strap Roll outs 3 x 5
Tricep Pull downs 33, 27, 29, 18 x Red Mini Band Wipers 3 x 13
Warm Up: 45 deg Back Ext, Side Bends 3 x 11 Ext Rotation 2 x 20 x Orange super mini band Band Face Pull 1 x 25 x Black mini band Band Push 3 x 10 x Orange super mini band
Bench Press
3 x 5 x Bar
2 x 5 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 5 x 115
From 95 lbs on i added a red mini around my wrists doubled up to try and spur some activation in my upper back. It seemed to help my stability a little bit.
Cable Row
3 x 13 x 120 Barbell Row
3 x 9 x 185
Last set I drop setted to 135 x 9 (supinated then pronated)
Still just trying different things to try and "feel" my anterior serratus firing. Once I can get the connection i will be able to force it to work harder and keep it activated. Until then i am simply playing around it.
Side laterals (sprinkled here and there throughout)
3 x 13 x 35 lbs Rear Delt Destroyer
1 x 55 /50 /15 x 50 lbs/30 lbs /15 lbs Tricep Pull Down (Single Arm)
1 x 20 x 10 lbs
3 x 10 x 20 lbs
So another Bench session in the books. Until i get this serratus issue figured they will look like this. The Tricep work is feeling better but after talking to the RMT the left tricep strength is being directly affected by the lack of a strongly firing Serratus as it normally works as the brace for the tricep to "push off" from. I would be frustrated if not for the fact my Rowing work is paying off. If i keep this up i will be out rowing my Bench. Ha!
Eccentrics - Leg Press (6 ct lower /2 Leg Press)
1 x 8 x 180
2 x 7 x 270 45 Deg Back Ext /Side Bends 3 x 10 ADduction 1 x 30 x 100 ABduction 1 x 30 x 205
Staying with the Monday morning theme of trying to continue building my Knee and throw some blood into my hip. It feels a lot better than it did two weeks ago after i squatted and got up the following Monday. The ADduction /ABduction machine seems to help keep it loose.
Sled Drags (90 lbs through out)
1 x 100 m Backward
1 x 100 m Forward -hands behind
1 x 100 m Back Ward
1 x 100 m Forward -hands forward
1 x 100 m Serratus Anterior Shrug into a Face Pull
1 x 100 m Forwards -hands forward
Walking backwards I made sure to concentrate on and try to keep my upper back engaged. After the first trip walking forward I put my hands in front as they would be when I bench, again trying to keep my Serratus tight. The Face pull I started with my shoulders forward, retracted them back, and then face pulled. My neck, upper back and rear delts were pumped hard after a 100 m.
Head Harness 6 x 21 x 35 lbs Leg Raises 3 x 6 Wipers 1 x 15 Land Mine Shrugs 3 x 10 x 25 lbs JL Plank 2 x 26 sec
The Gym was once again inexplicably busy first thing this morning. I was able to get the Sled dragging completed with minimal hassle this time. Although still forced to use the track (100 m) instead of the half moon (20 m section). Which is the reason for the distances.
But solid work, made me sweat and i feel like i will be ready for tomorrow.
23 Aug 2013 0545 hrs
I had a Gold day at work and had to be at the course for 0645 hrs. I decided to simply get some upper back rehab done. I needed to do something. I saw the Physio the previous morning after Deadlifting and whatever she did my body was reacting to and not entirely in a good way. I figured i would try to help what she started. Physio /RMT report at the end.
1 x 10 x 10 lbs
1 x 10 x 5 lbs (pause and hold all the reps for a 2 ct) Supinated Db Row
1 x 10 x 10 lbs Band Push (*New Rehab Exercise*) Alternate between 45 deg /0 Deg 2 x 10 (R & L) Band Pull-A-parts 2 x 10 x red mini band Banded Incline Push Ups 1 x 10 x red mini band
Out of time. Off to remind myself why i don't golf.
Physio Therapy /RMT Report - AKA The State of things currently
-Things are improving
-Physio narrowed it down to my serratus anterior is not firing properly. It is activated but not nearly enough and especially when it gets loaded.
-PT gave me band pushes to do. Push Ups, Plank, and holding the top of the dip is my feed back indicator.
-Also do shrugging push ups
-RMT confirmed the PT and also added in to do the land mine horizontal shrugs while feeling the serratus anterior with my hand in most movements.
-He gapped my mid to low back. Even after Squatting today it feels great.
-RMT also worked over my obliques and serratus to make sure my rib does not come out again (more on that during Squat day)
-My hip is holding steady with me doing the Sex Machine so he did not have to do any emergency work on that this week. We will be attacking that soon enough. one thing at a time for now.
-Knees are feeling decent although a little tight a few hrs after squatting. But i will go another week before running. I will stay in the pool though and still more Jits.
25 Aug 2013 0920 hrs Warm Up: ABduction
1 x 30 x 190
1 x 20 x 190 ADduction
1 x 30 x 100
1 x 20 x 20 Hip Mobility Series X, Rollovers, Mtn Climbers, Groiners, Wipers Bench Jumps (w/depth jump) 3 x 3
I did these between my first three sets of Bench. Head Harness 6 x 35 x 17 Band Pull-A-parts 5 x 20 x red mini
These were done through out the session.
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 120
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 5 x 180
1 x 5 x 195 (got aggressive in my set up and felt a "POP" in my left side, popped a rib. HA FRAAACK!)
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 11 x 255
Joker Sets
1 x 5 x 285
First /Last
5 x 9 x 195 Good Mornings 3 x 13 x 115 Snatch Grip SDL 3 x 13 x 115
When i initially popped the rib i was oh damn i pulled a muscle but after about a minute i recognized the discomfort. i jumped on the dip rack and smash my back. I did feel a pop and i think i got it partially back in. It is not killing my but as I type this i can still feel it or maybe it is just sore.I will know better tomorrow. I pushed the pace today and will continue to do so. My conditioning will allow it so i will take advantage of it. The set with 285 lbs was very solid but jumping to 315 x 5 reps today I did not feel was in the cards. The 255 x 11 reps felt monstrous to accomplish. The Back off sets were tough but very doable and still strong.
I am looking forward to the unknown Challenges of this week. I am in a great place mentally and I am finding my stride in training and life.
21 Aug 2013 0555 hrs
Started the Day with a direct Hip Warm Up. Things were slightly stiff but not overally so. My Adductors /Abductors had been re-awakened which is what needed to happen.
I also decided after a prompting from my Coach to forgo any drastic weight loss for the time being while I am trying to Rehab so many things. It could prove disastrous. I will continue with the rehab, the swimming, the sled drags and probably start running in another week or so. Rucking will wait until mid Sept. In the mean time i will start a slow progressive weight loss. I have my markers and I will push to meet them on time. It will simply take me 12 weeks instead of 4 to get there.
1 x 40 x 170
1 x 40 x 185 ABduction
1 x 21 x 100
1 x 40 x 90 Sled Drags
1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Forward /1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Back Ward
1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Face Pull /1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Forward
1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Back ward /1 x 100 m x 90 lbs Forward
At this point the gym filled up and the track was far too busy for me to continue safely so i was forced to shut things down on the track. The other usual spots to drag the sled were also busy. Who knew 6 am in the field could be so busy. Although i should add that a great majority of the people there had to be there. It was not a voluntary scenario.
Kirkawoski Shrugs (Wide /Medium /Narrow Grip)
1 x 12 /12 /12 x 20 kg
1 x 13 /13 /13 x 40 kg
2 x 11/ 11/ 11 x 40 kg GHR 4 x 7 Tricep Pull Downs 4 x 30-35 reps x EFS Black Mini Band KB Shrug 1 x 15 x 70 lbs
Solid session of work. Allowing me to keep the volume up with out beating myself up too much. Noon
8 Ton Orca hunting a Dolphin. The Orca is 15 ft in the air.
8 min front crawl (1 Lap /1 min rest)
3 min Side Stroke (1 Length on left and then return on Right Side)
2 min Breast Stroke
Sauna 10 min
I have already fell back into my swim stroke. I will work this gradually to a 20 min session. But for now it seems to be helping with my shoulder and hip issues. Active recovery, plain and simple.
22 Aug 2013 0555 hrs Warm Up: Standing leg Circles, Mtn Climbers, Groiners 10- 15 reps ea
Really short on time. Really Big on Piss and Vinegar. I decided i would use this as a Deadlift Technique session since i am supposed to be De-Loading. So i simply Worked the technique cues i got from Elite FTS' new
Outstanding Video. This will be a part of a multi-part series on how to Deadlift. The Squat series was phenomenal and this one already is thus far.
4 x 1 x 135
4 x 1 x 185
6 x 1 x 225
5 x 1 x 250
3 x 1 x 275
1 x 5 x 275
1 x 1 x 295
1 x 3 x 295
1 x 5 x 295
This was it. A lot of singles focusing hard on Technique. Things were fast, violent, and explosive. The way a Deadlift is supposed to be. Later in the day i discovered a second Deadlifting Gem From J.L. Holdsworth. the man who helped me at the LTT Seminar back in May. This is now going to be watched and is bookmarked as a constant reminder of what he taught me. This is it in a nut shell.
This is what i call the Mjolnir Technique
Overall this ended up being an entire day of extremes after i left the gym. I am very glad and thankful i got to start my day this way. it set the tone for a day where i raced from one event to the next experiencing a wide range of emotions. I actually called and thanked my Dad at the end of the day for teaching me and making me the man i am. It really was one of those days. but i made it through and stood tall through out.
Today would have been Dimebag Darryl's Birthday. 20 Aug 1966.
Apparently I have lost the ability to read a Fracking calendar. I just looked at the date today and my last 2 post. Frack. Anyhow.
19 Aug 2013 0535 hrs
Buckling in and starting to focus on what I need to do right now. First things first. I decided against the Caveman protocol for now. Waiting to hear back from Coach Selkow. With all my various minor things i need to focus on rehab, strength, conditioning, and weight. In that order. I am still going to drop some weight but I determined some marker posts and i will spend the next 12 weeks doing it instead 4 weeks. So i am not burning a bunch of tissue and possibly complicate things. I will continue to rehab and get strong as F**K and stay healthy. Leg Press Eccentrics (1 Leg lower - 6 sec ct /2 leg push)
1 x 12 x 90
1 x 8 x 180
1 x 8 x 270
I got a reply from Coach X and today like a good day to give the Knee Rehab protocol he suggested another run. It will help to add muscle and stability to a joint that has been permanently compromised by surgery. This is my first 4 week block.
Sled Drags
Back wards 1 x 80 m x 40 kg
Back Wards 1 x 80 m x 60 kg
Forwards 1 x 80 m x 60 kg
Forwards 1 x 80 m x 80 kg
Forward (ankle walk) 1 x 20 m x 10 kg
Ext Rotation 2 x 29 x Orange super mini band Home Plate Lat Shrug 2 x 17 x 25 lbs Head Harness
6 x 21 x 35 lbs
Return of the Orca!
Noon Swim -12 min
Front Crawl - 1 Lap /rest 1 min repeat for 11 min
1 Lap Breast Stroke
The goal here is recovery and rehab of my hip and upper back. Nothing crazy. I will increase the volume very slowly on this.
Then i returned to BJJ. My first class back. roughly 6 x 5 min rounds of rolling fairly easy after some warm ups.
20 Aug 2013 0535 hrs
Warm Up: Ext Rotation Lots ( I honestly did not count i am more concerned with activation and blood flow) Band Pull-A-parts Lots (same reason) 45 Side bends, Back Ext, Rev Hyper Head Harness
3 x 21 x 25 lbs
1 x 31 x 25 lbs Neck Crunch
4 x 19 x 25 lbs
4 x 5 x bar
3 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115 Bent Over Rows
1 x 10 x Bar (10 reps reg grip, 10 reps supinated grip)
2 x 11 x 95 (11 reps reg grip then 11 reps supinated grip)
1 x 16 x 135
1 x 9 x 185
1 x 7 x 205
1 x 6 x 225 -- 15 x 155 --15 x 135 (Drop set) Horizontal Shrug /Seated Face Pull (super set)
2 x 15 x 45 /2 x 15 x 75
NEVER EVER make eye contact when using this machine.
Sex Machine ABduction
1 x 20 x 225
2 x 23 x 100 (last 2 for a 10 sec hold) ADduction
1 x 20 x 175
1 x 20 x 160 (last rep held for a 15 sec hold)
The Sex machine work felt great for my hip. Things felt weak initially so this definitely needs to be added back in to get things strong(er) and stay activated. Damn my desk job! Although i do try to spend as much time on my feet as possible some days it needs to happen. So one more piece to the recovery puzzle
Oh and the "recovery 'Stache" came off about 2 weeks ago this past Friday.
Double session today. The primary being Deadlifts. broke the two sessions up by taking the girl down to the water for a swim. Water was not as warm as yesterday but feels good to get in an move around after lifting. I made a point of stretching as well.
1030 hrs
Warm up:
Rollovers, Mtn Climbers, Groiners, Hip Mobility series X, Banded side step, Lying Hip ext, Lying glute Adduction, Band Pull-A-Parts.
Lots of each (11-16 reps) got the blood moving and my hips loose.
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 4 x 175
1 x 5 x 220
1 x 3 x 250
1 x 3 x 280 (Double over hand up until this point)
Joker set
1 x 2 x 305 (over /under grip) First Set Last (FSL)
5 x 5 x 225 (double over hand)
My hip felt better than it has in days but my psoas although not irritated i could tell was affecting my set up. Looking at the ugly video from last week i had to correct a major arch i had going. It makes things come off the floor faster but destroys my low back and ultimately will limit me. I will send today's video for review and see what JL Holdsworth has to say.
My First set Last was with 225 lbs because i simply because i was being lazy and i figured the extra 5 lbs would do me good. Things were definitely not as snappy off the floor. If anything i can be happy about my grip strength. I grabbed the 280 and did 2 reps before i realized i had not alternated my grip, the bar started to slip after 3 so i shut it down.
Front Squat
1 x 11 x Bar
1 x 11 x 95
1 x 11 x 115
2 x 9 x 135
1 x 11 x 115
Forearms were definitely tight this week. But i grinded through. Hip also did not like these either but i adjusted my feet and things went smooth. I am considering dropping the reps on these to 7 and starting to push the weight. I will see when they come around again in the schedule.
Cursory stuff done through out: Hanging Leg Raises 4 x 5 reps Head Harness 5 x 21 x 26 lbs
Session II 1820 hrs Rev Hyper 1 x 20 Rolling Triceps Ext (10 deg incline)
1 x 7 x 20 lbs
4 x 13 x 15 lbs Fat Gripz Hammer Curl
1 x 13 x 30 lbs
2 x 17 x 25 lbs
1 x 21 x 25 lbs Side Laterals 3 x 11 x 30 lbs External rotation (elbow 90 Deg) 2 x 21 x orange super mini band
I wanted to get in some extra arm work. i dropped the weight on the triceps because it was just a bit too much for my left arm. You can see by dropping 5 lbs i easily double the reps. I dropped the weight on the hammer curls because my right forearm extensor is angry today. Besides this was more about muscle pump than grinding stuff out. Getting the External rotation work made my shoulder feel a lot better. I see the PT on Thursday and the RMT on Friday. Hopefully I can put this shoulder business behind me for good soon.
Regardless i will keep working around it. I think i was playing ostrich and hoping it would take care of itself. It has not, so time for me to really get on it. My hip will be a work in progress for awhile longer i suspect it has troubled me on and off for years, i think i am finally at the point it needs to be dealt with. Time has caught up with me so to speak.
All the stuff i talked about yesterday i think may have things figured out. I will hammer it out. Simplify it and then it run by a trusted friend who will either tell me my head is filled with whip cream or will give me the thumbs up.
Since Tuesday morning's Interval Session a few things have happened.
-The interval session simply wreaked havoc on my patella tendons. Not good Jujubes to put it lightly. It was Friday before i started to feel better going up and down stairs. My right knee still feels off.
-I got a return to my email from Coach X about Knee rehab. I will work that into my schedule. It will be 3 mths to complete all three phases.
-two incredibly early timings for work followed by very long days. Which sucked motivation and energy combined with the tendon discomfort made me prioritize sleep first.
-I have decided to run Harry Selkow's Caveman Protocol. My weight has started to go up. This will discipline my approach to nutrition again, drop some unneeded body fat, and give me something to hold my focus.
I have to sit down and figure out my priorities from now till Christmas.
13 Aug 2013
400 m Intervals
5 x 400 m
4 min rest
2 min 5 sec
4 min rest
1 min 49 sec
4 min rest
1 min 48 sec
4 min rest
1 min 55 sec
4 min rest
1 min 53 sec
I did some other stuff with the blast straps as well.
It did not hurt to run but i could tell i did not have a smoothness to my push off. Also my low back seemed to be out slightly. My psoas was feeling tender also. I stretched it out but i was pretty sore by the end of the day by Thursday morning my low back /psoas felt better. To say i was feeling frustrated from Tuesday to Friday would be accurate.
14 Aug 2013
I needed to get in the gym and do something. I attempted some actual Bench. Then moved to Barbell rows and then did some pin press. My upper back is a lot better but my strength is very bad. I see the RMT next Friday. I will press again this week to push blood flow around. If i get the same results from the RMT as I did last time there is tension somewhere through my shoulder girdle holding my strength from being focused.
I had to remind myself leaving the gym that my deplorable bench strength will return.
3 x 5 x Bar
2 x 5 x 95
3 x 3 x 115 Barbell Rows
1 x 11 x 135
2 x 7 x 185
3 x 7 x 205 Floor Press (off pins)
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 2 x 135
2 x 1 x 135
The floor press actually shows how as my upper back got tired my strength dropped off. All these reps maybe took 5 min.
I have some re-calculating of priorities to do over the weekend. Strength, Body weight, and conditioning. How are they going to fit into what is required from me for my job? I definitely have to consider some continued rehab of my knees considering the tendon discomfort i have been battling for the past few weeks. Rucking is out. For now. Running is out. For Now. So i am looking at swimming and (horrifyingly) spin bike. I will look at Incline Treadmill as well.
I had to do some visiting this morning before i hit the gym for my last Squat session of the cycle. The knees well feeling well enough but i could tell i ran yesterday and after today they would need a day off. The Psoas and Hip are doing better but i can still feel a little impingement. I will do some extra abductor /Adductor work and lax ball it this week. So I lathered on some Blue heat, grabbed a Low Carb Monster and got to work.
I got to the gym and witnessed two guys essentially doing a Walking Lunge, Body weight Squat, Rope climb session with Gas masks on. I said nothing but i did shake my head. Altitude trg is altitude trg. you have to live at Altitude as well for it work. I have done a lot of research on this. The mask trainers and the Mouth guard breathers are gimmicks. You want proof? look it up. It puts undue stress on your lungs and heart. Unless it is your profession and blow doors (and shoot people in the skull) or fight fires there is no point. Especially for the regular gym trainer. Rant over.
1310 hrs Warm Up: Roll Overs 2 x 11 Hip Mobility Series 15 ea Ankle Mobility 2 x 15 Mtn Climbers 8, 11 Band Pull-A-parts 20 (thumbs up) followed by 20 (Y downwards) TKE's 2 x 20 Dip Stand ROM Work Banded Side Step 2 x 15 Bench Jumps 3 x 3 (my hips are really starting to spring through, these are starting to feel quicker)
2 x 10 x bar (bands around the knees)
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 3 x 175
1 x 5 x 220
1 x 3 x 250
1 x 5 x 280
Joker Sets
1 x 1 x 310 (fairly quick)
1 x 0 x 340
(lost tightness in my upper back about half way down and felt myself folding so i aborted came up)
I have to re-learn to grind through.
First /Last
3 x 7 x 220 lbs Good Mornings
1 x 11 x Bar
1 x 9 x 120
2 x 9 x 135
2 x 9 x 115 Head Harness 4 x 21 x 35 lbs
Look how good I look Folks!
Solid session. Also of note i saw the crazy guy from a few months back for the second time this week. Up until the other day i have not seen him since the incident. Needless to say i keep one eye in the back of my head. If you don't the story click the link. 20 April - The altercation with the crazy guy
He has not said boo to me. But it is a running joke with me and some of the young guys who have had altercations with him.Oh and everyone I talk to around the gym refers to him as the The Crazy Guy.
I still don't know how he is allowed in the gym. Recovery /Upper day tomorrow.