Saturday, October 14, 2017

7 Oct 2017 - Things are picking up

2 Oct 
This whole session is a Rehab /Builder type day. I will start working KB Swings and a few other things as I get strong(er) and better conditioned as the weeks go on. The idea right now is to add 1 rep and 1 set every week until i get to 10 x 10. From there i will merely cut the rest breaks down and Embracing The Suck.
Spider Wall Walks 2 x 10 x Orange mini
Clamshells 2 x 30 (L/R)
Side steps 2 x 40
Side Plank w/ Clamshell 3 x 10 x Blue physio (L/R)
SL Bridge 3 x 10 (L/R)
Stir The Pot 1 x 20, 1 x 15
Nerve Flossing 1 x 20 (This is a movement i do not "push" very hard)

Squat 4 x 10
SLDL 4 x 10

Skaters Squat 4 x 5
Bodysaw 4 x 10

Lunge (Alt with Suspended Lunge) 4 x 5
Atomic Crunch 3 x 10

GHR 2 x 16

Just a few extra exercises to make sure i finish the day feeling good. I also took the dogs for a relaxing 50 min walk. Focusing on posture and pushing through my ankles and glutes. I decided to do some trial run stuff while I had time to kill while i cooked my chicken wings in the oven.

Blast Strap Rows 5 x 10 x Bodyweight
Banded Side Step 3 x 10 x Black Physio Band

Kb Swings 1 x 10 x 35, 1 x 20 x 53 (shown)

3 Oct 

A slow increase in weight every week for 3x3 bench with a 3-5sec pause on the cheat.
Warm up:
Lax Ball work, No Monies 6x25xOrangeMini, Banded Sidestep
Db Bench (feet Up) 
6x9x44lbs KB
EZ Curl Bar Curl 3x25x20lbs
Read Delt Laterals
Rear Delt Rows 
Tricep Puldowns 4x9-13x52.5
TRX Push Ups 4x5, 1x4
KB Swings 2x13x53

4 Oct

Back day building things up. Getting work and volume in. Nothing more.
Back Ext 4x11xBdywght
Bird dogs 3x10
Rear Delt Laterals 7x9-21x10-20lbs
CS Row 
Seated Side Delt 
Standing Side Delt 1Giant set x 7reps x35,30,25,20,15lbs
OH Tricep Rope Ext 3x11x52.5
Hammer Curl 2x17x30
Shrug Machine(2cnt pause at top) 
MCGill Situps 1x40, 1x30
KB Swings 5x21x53lbs

6 Oct

I had to make up for a missed DL session the Day before so squeezed a DL and Bench day together. Feet Up on Bench to build chest and take stress off the lower back.
Bench (Feet Up)
Pull Ups 10x5
CS Rear Delt lateral 
Back Ext 
Slowly increasing the Volume on these. Long term they are going to build my low back and hamstrings.

9 Oct
GHR 3 x 7
Clamshells, Banded Side Step, Birdogs
Pistols /Squats /Suspended Lunge /Atomic Crunch /Skaters Squats 3x5 L&R
TRX Bodysaw 3x10

10 Oct

No Monies 5x25xorange mini band
Banded Side Step 1x 10x Black thera band
Bench (5 Cnt Pause)
Db Bench 9x7x45lbs (feet Up)
CS Rear Delt Laterals 5x11x20
CS Rear Delt Rows 4x11x30
CS Rear Delt Shrug 3x13x25
KB Swings 7x20x53
Tricep Pulldowns 4x20xBlackEFSBand
Football Bar Pushups 3x17
Hammer Curls 1x50x25, 1 x AMRAP Hold at Topx15lbs
Ring Push Ups 3 x 7

11 Oct

Football Bar row 5x10xBdywght
Side Delt Laterals 5x13x15lbs
Rear Det Laterals 5x13x10
Back Ext GHR 3x7
Kb Swings 3x10x53
Banded Side Step 2x20x Black Thera band L&R
Side Plank w/Clamshells 2x20 L&R

Sunday, October 1, 2017

30 Oct - Inconsistency is not helping things...

23 Sept

I traveled up to Ottawa to see my Lifting /Strength Coach jay Nera. I actually was in the gym the night before. that session was more to catch up, shake my body out after the drive and prep for Saturday's training session. Admittedly my food intake was next to nil on the Friday so training hard would probably have been a shit show.
We did go over KB Swing technique and I can definitely feel when i doing it correctly in my Glutes. So excited to see how things progress with this now in the rotation.

Dynamo Barbell Club - Ottawa
Warm Up
Rehab Exercises 1 to 3 sets x 20 reps ea - Banded side walks, Compass point squats, Knee balance, Cat-Camels, Banded Lying Hip Ext, Clam shells, Lax Ball smashing of hip, Couch Stretch, Back Ext, No Monies, Spider wall walks, McGill Sit Ups, Cobra Push Ups, Skater Squats

1 x 4 x 215 (Post Op PR)
1 x 3 x 175
5 x 3 x 165

Coach Jay noticed i was benching with my shoulders a little loose on my right side. So after the 215 I dropped weight to focus on re-enforcing proper technique. My Leg is in place and my glute is no longer twitching or doing weird things when things get heavier on Bench. I am very happy things are starting to solidify in my shoulders so I can start hammering technique in.

Finished up with Volume doing Accessory stuff that included:
Incline Db bench, Flat Db bench, Db Shrugs (3 Count Pauses), CS Rear Lateral, hammer Curls, Face Pulls, Tate Press
I did these flat instead of Incline.

24 Sept 
Rehab Exercises throughout the day and getting my food sorted out for the week. My Nutrition has been a focus the last weeks to not necessarily dial it, rather have my food prepped. When it is prepped I have no issues eating properly.

25 Sept

Got to the gym later than I wanted. I should note I am starting my day with balance work, Cat-Camels, McGill Sit Ups or whatever else I need to get my back or hip require to loosen up. lately this has been my biggest issue. Just the reality right now I am not able to roll out of bed and train right away at 0400 or 0500hrs. I take the dogs for a walk and head to work then by around 1000hrs things feel good for me to train with only having to do 30 min or so of rehab /activation rather than closer to an hour if I tried to train earlier in the morning.

TRX Circuit - Squat /Pistol /Single Leg DL /Skater Squat /Lunge 3 x 5 ea
No rest with these just kept cycling through. My hope is that endurance and strength will build in ea leg, hip and torso. In Nov if this works the way I hope I will try squatting again to see if my body has adjusted

TRX Circuit -Body saw  5 x 10 to Atomic Crunch 3 x 3 (L&R)

Football Bar Rows 10 x 10 x Body weight 
GHR 6 x 5 x Bodyweight (back of GHR elevated on 25lbs Plate)

Felt solid and I was able to push the pace through out the whole session. Nothing pushed to the point of failure just building work volume from week to week.

26 Sept
This time of year getting up before the sun is easy. 

Under the gun for this session a little bit of a time crunch. Somehow my body co-operated and i got the bare minimum done. I need to input a lot more volume after Bench in this as the weeks go on.
Warm Up: Banded Side Step, No Monies
Bench (5 sec Pause)  3 x 3 x 175

Db Bench (Feet Up)  4 x 13 x 40-45lbs
Barbell Curl 3 x 31 x 30lbs
Rear Delt Row  3 x 17 x 20-30lbs
Tricep Pull downs 3 x 13-19 x 105-120 lbs
Face Pulls  1 x 50 x 85lbs
Band Pull a parts 1 x 50 x Red Band

27 Sept to 30 Sept 
The wheels came off my momentum. Work got crazy and so i kept missing the holes to get gym time. So this was a few days of nothing but Rehab Exercises at home.

1 Oct 
Shake the dust from the last few days. Prep for tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Warm Up
Banded Side step (lots until things burned), followed by No Monies (again lots, i think around 50)

Feet Up Bench
5 x 10 x 95+chains

Coach Nera wants me doing feet up bench for some extra focus on my pec development. This was a good opportunity to test them out. I added chains for something different. If I remember correctly free hanging the chains weigh 40lbs each. The idea was get work in without screwing myself up for Tuesday's actual Bench. Sunday is a rehab extra back volume day by design.

10 x 1 x 185lbs

Still simply trying to find my technique for this. My back no longer feels like it is going to rupture something. My Glutes are starting to remember their job so the bar is popping off the floor. The goal is to simple keep adding 10lbs a week until I get back to a weight i can actual start to program with.

CS KB Rows
3 x 10 x 53lbs

I need another 2" of height for the bench. For now as long as i stay tight this becomes similar to a Pendlay row as the KB's JUST touch to mats. If I am loose it feels like i have shortened the ROM by 10 inches.

CS Rear Laterals
3 x 10 x 15lbs

Finished up with:
Band Pull a parts 1 set tons of reps -Starting with the EFS Black then Red then Orange mini followed by:
Spider Wall Walks 1 x lots x Orange Mini

The week is done. 90% Nutrition and hitting 90% of my scheduled training for the week is the goal. Thanks for reading.