Tuesday, September 26, 2017

26 Sept 2017 - 4mths have gone by...catching up

26 Sept

Coles notes: (somethings i will get into greater detail in future posts)

-Walked into an actual Powerlifting gym back in June
-I now have a coach to consult with and help guide me, Coach Jay Nera

-My job moved me back home so I am no longer living in Ottawa
-I have my 5th Physio since surgery as result of the move

-My new Physio has been nothing short of awesome
-A lot of the tissue in my leg has been smashed up so things are starting to move freely

-I tried getting back into the big three
-Deadlifting pissed off nerves in my leg and has since been rectified

-Squatting is still a work in progress as I work on restrictions and stability through the torso
-Bench is moving forward as my hip is not stable and not simply locked up

-my slightly buggered right shoulder is now getting strong(er) and locking in correctly when i Bench
-Due to the tissue in my leg moving I am able to effectively use my Glute now

-As i get the glute strong(er) and firing as part of the system my back pain is lessening
-I built* a stand up desk at work and I feel 100% better because of it
*(By built i mean i jammed pkgs of paper under everything)

-Worked with my Trainer last weekend, KB's have a big place in my future to rebuild
-My Bench is also now a work in progress.
Trg Music - Butcher Babies -New Album Lilith out soon

-At the beginning of September I let work get in the way of Rehab during the day, as a result things took a dive physically, then i let my brain focus on what i couldn't do. (ie My Squat looks like hot Garbage)
- I also took the time to question why i still do what I do. I am still working on the full answer for that question in the mean time, just keep moving forward.

-I realized this and got moving again, I also talked to my bosses and got allotted time at work for Trg and Rehab.
-My body is starting to move and "remodel" again (physio word) which means in the last month i have had quite a few shifts in how i move as well as things are starting to feel normal again.

-other outside stress in my life I have managed as well as anyone could.
-this is an extremely long recovery process I just passed the 15 Month mark

-Mornings getting out of Bed seem to have gotten harder, on that same note I have different tactics for how i feel I do different rehab immediately upon awaking or standing up.
-I cannot say i have not learn a ton this past yr and a half.

Thanks for reading i will get back to the normal sets and reps later this week. I will also explain the layout of train and why i am doing what I am for now.