27 Nov
So no actual trg but a lot of things went on. Saw physio, a nurse practitioner and got my immunizations checked (without getting Autism for fuck's sake. Lol)
Nurse Practitioner:
-Asked for sleep study, got it. The referral has been submitted i should hear back in the next 2 weeks.
-We discussed pain, arthritis, discomfort, and inflammation. More directly how to best manage them all. At the minimum dose required.
-we covered some other things that I will discuss later on. It will be a longer post but it brought alot of things together for me. Answering much needed questions.
-we discussed my shoulder. As i have been working on it myself for months it seems my trial and error has been pretty solid. My physio gave me the last few keys i needed hopefully.
-the big take away is that my shoulder blade is still winging because of my lower trap area. She showed me how my shoulder and shoulder blade is supposed to sit.
- I knew the exercises already and they are no back in full rotation.
-Kinesio Taped my shoulder into position to help matters along.
-she asked if i had a Tens machine, to which i replied i was going to ask but after the morning i had i figured it might be a little too far.
-she went and grabbed one, showed me how to use it and i got to take it home. I have already used it several times and I am glad to have it.
28 Nov
0900 hrs
GHR 2 x 9 x Bodyweight
Step Mill w/ Weight Vest
20 Min /Int 20 sec On - 40 sec Off
99 Flights, 225 Cal
Rest was level 6 - 10
Work was 12 - 18
Barbell Push ups 5 x 10 x weight vest (i rotated between different heights)
Plate Raise 2 x 15 x 25 lbs
Back Extension 3 x 10 x weight vest
29 Nov
1240 hrs
Rear Delt Laterals 3 x 20 x 20 lbs
Floor Press Lock Outs
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x Bar+Chain
1 x 10 x 65+Chain
1 x 10 x 85+Chain
1 x 8 x 95+Chain
1 x 8 x 115+Chain
1 x 8 x 135+Chain
2 x 8 X 155+Chain
1 x 8 x 135+Chain
1 x 8 x 115+Chain
No idea, nor do I care how much the Chain weighs. I have one setup and that is what I Use. i don't have any partial plates in my Home gym so I use the Chains instead. Today I had them set a little lighter.
I was testing out my upper back. I wanted to do some Tricep Volume work. I wanted to train before I had to head back to the city. This fit the bill
When I got to the city I hit the Apartment gym, which all things considered is pretty decent for short sessions here and there when things get busy.
1940 hrs
20 lbs Plate Carrier ON
Hill Climber Elliptical (I will just take a picture of it one day)
1 x 10 min 1006 ft, .91 Miles, 150 Cal
5 Min "rest" consisting of:
45 Deg Chest Supported Shrugs 2 x 21 x 40lbs
1 x 10 min 1033 ft, .93 Miles, 155 Cal
Bosu Plank 2 x 30 sec (1 min rest)
I walked the dog before this. This helped stretch things out and help me sleep better after 3 large Homemade Soft Tacos.
30 Nov
0935 hrs
GHR 2 x 10 x Bodyweight
Band Pull-A-parts 4 x 10 x Red Gym Band
Back Ext
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x Bar+Band (experimenting, dropped it after this set)
4 x 10 x 50 lbs
This Back Ext /GHR made by a no-name company continues to challenge and baffle me in trying to find an optimal setting and position.
Finished up with
Wide Bar Face Pulls (to chin), Bosu Situps, TKE's. and ITWY's.
Pull up Hang 1 x 30 sec x 3 reps
1 Dec
0935 hrs
Band Pull A parts /Plate Raise 50 reps
worked up to:
1 x 5 x 165
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 1 x 210
5 x 5 x 165
Single Arm Cable Row 8 x 8 x 65lbs ( no rest )
Face Pulls 4 x 21 x 90
Band Pull Downs 1 x 100+ x Red gym Band
Barbell Curl 1 x 102 x Bar
1715 hrs
Alternating KB Swings (done throughout)
4 x 25 x 53 lbs
1 x 50 x 53 lbs
This is the start of a 25 day KB Challenge inspired by EliteFTS Sheri Wetham. She had 3 x 25 day Christmas Challenges. I am using my own 53 lbs KB's that i keep in the Apartment gym. The goal is 5 x 50 reps by Dec 25. I will do 5 x 25 daily and every 5 days I will add 5 more reps. I did 50 reps on the last set to see how far off I was from the goal. This is going to be rough but fun.
DB Press /Side Laterals /Rear Laterals 3 x 9 x 20 lbs
Pallof Press 3 x 15 x 3 plates (weird Cable machine the pulleys make simple weights heavier which is good)
Bird Dogs 2 x 10
Mc Gill Sit Ups 2 x 40
ITWY's 3 x 10 x 3 lbs
Second Session of the day. Finishing up what I did not get to do this morning. The little things that add up over time.
So my morning at the Hospital was very informative. It seems I have a fox in the hen house. Speaking with the Nurse practitioner we went through my pain management. She explained a few other things for me as well. I will be down grading my Naproxen dosage. Instead I am trying Tylenol Arthritis. We will see if this helps my situation. I also asked for a sleep study to find out if I have Sleep Apnea. She thought it was plausible and I got my referral in. My Appointment for the Sleep study is 27 Jan.
If I have sleep apnea it will contribute to an already poor situation. Side effects of not hitting deep REM sleep regularly is quit involved.
Click on the 2 links if you want to know more.
Now the other side effects of the inflammation and arthritis coming from my hip was something I had not considered. I knew the restricted movement and altered ife style would be a challenge mentally. Even wear me down at times. What I did not know was that the Inflammation long term would affect my brain chemistry and actually contribute to depression and malaise.
There is something else I have not spoken to much about. I have been informed up front that post surgery my career is most likely done and I will have to go through re-training then onto a new career. This obviously brings its own challenges but i have been looking at different job ideas and in some ways I am excited for this challenging, yet new beginning. So to be honest, I have been fighting mild depression and my motivation has been waning when it comes to doing anything somedays. Managing the discomfort has helped. Maintaining decent nutrition has helped. Despite controlling what I could, as I said a few weeks ago, I am still struggling in my mind.
Now I have one possibly two contributing factors to not simply being able to fight through like I normally would. This is a little more than simply adjusting my lifestyle until post surgery and then having to figure out what I want to do next for a job /career. The inflammation may be a factor working against me in more ways than I originally thought. Just knowing that the long term implications of the inflammation maybe be fighting against me is empowering.
Fucking Hell, my mind runs the show not my body. But just this once it seems my body has found a way to get fox into the hen house. I know training regularly will fight symptoms of depression so I looking at more short term goals to focus and keep myself accountable. I will visit or call friends and family as much as I can.
If my sleep is a problem then the extra naps I have been ensuring that I get will help. At least until I get the results of the sleep study. I had the sleep problem long before I started working shift work. So far my shift schedule and living with minimal responsibility during my shift weeks has allowed me to get more naps in. Lastly, one more piece of the puzzle has been this Training log and a separate notebook that I use to journal and organize my thoughts. Writing in some form or fashion I discovered to be helpful when I fought insomnia about 10 yrs ago. It allows my brain to slow down and organize. Which I am figuring without the deep sleep i should be getting I am doing in another way.
None of this shit is an excuse. Just information I am compiling so that I can continue to work through everything. We all have shit to deal with, we all have stress, it is how we acknowledge and deal with everything that is the key. This is what it is.
Never out of the fight. I am going to struggle from time to time, I am human. Like Hell I am giving in anytime soon. Just have to keep adjusting, Keep moving forward.
Reading articles like this lately has helped too:(
re-enforcing my own fundamentals)
EFS-Swede Burns: Choices & Accountability
EFS-Dave Tate: Sometimes you have to do what you have to do
2 Dec
0937 hrs
KB Swings 5 x 25 x 53 lbs
ITWY's 3 x 7 x 3 lbs
Daily KB assignment completed. I will train again on shift.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep your Fundamentals, Keep Getting Strong(er) |