I have been exercising the past few weeks since i last posted. It has consisted of rehab and figuring out daily what I can or cannot do with my hip & Low Back issues. Pull Ups are back in the mix in a serious way. Shifting focus to what i can do in order as always to move forward.
I have needed that little bit of motivation. This set back seemed to hit me harder than any of my other issues have.The first few weeks of only rehab hit me hard. Training in the morning keeps me positive. It is my medication. Without it I am grumpy, verbose and even a little depressed.
My motivation to do anything slides.
It has caused me to re-calculate and wonder. Is this the start of the downward swing?
I still have moments and training sessions of pure awesome but it feels like forever, years even since I have been able to string together consecutive days of awesome. The moments and sessions i have had recently know that there is still a lot left in me.
My Physio asked me today when the last time i was completely healthy. it was not meant to be mean or cold. She has been nothing short of awesome helping through each set back.We have both learned a lot. My instant and honest response:
"I just keep changing priorities to what I can do"
So for now the focus is:
-To hold my nutrition together
-Focus heavily on re-habbing my physical issues & rebuild my squat as my body allows it
-maintain decent GPP so when i can lift fully it will be an easy transition
So today was definite progress. The Hip Flexor is co-operating, as is the adductors. The IT band is fighting a little but responds to stretching and Foam Rolling. The biggest take away of the day was after treatment I was able to squat below parallel without my hip tucking under before parallel.
Coach Selkow did some assessments for me via video last week which helped tremendously. I have been on the GHR daily and it is also paying big dividends. Hip pain is almost gone and my ROM in my hip is improving. His Friendship, assistance, and mentor-ship have done a lot for me, more for me than I think he realizes.
-My Left Glute was shut off
-this was caused by my unstable L4, L5, S1
-to compound the issue or maybe the root cause my left hamstring was weak
So all that is figured out now. So moving forward is easier.
So this was today. This morning before Physio. I still have ROM issues but it felt solid. I was able to feel neutral spine. There as no pain or discomfort before or after lifting. I was able to fight the involuntary shift to the right.
This was my Top set of 10 reps with 225 lbs. Not impressive but a big step forward for me. Definitely not ready to drop the box height yet.
More tomorrow and I will start posting my training again so that i can track why i am doing each exercise for a reason. Also so that i can build back up. What was the answer to that question earlier?
This is not the downward swing, it is merely a lesson that i can no longer take anything for granted. Everything that needs to be done for training, recovery and nutrition HAS to be done. No short cuts if I want to stay in the game for a few more years.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |