So I finished the assessment and was not selected. I opted to take a week off to rest and relax and then went back at it a week later. Things started out fairly well. Solid SSB Squat day and Solid Bench session. I had to do a Parades for 2 days. Standing still for hours on end I did feel some tightness in my low back on and off. I did not think anything of it mostly because it went away immediately after getting a chance to relax.
So I went into the gym 4 Sept in the Morning ready to do some Dynamic Effort Squats. Warm Ups felt solid and nothing felt too out of the ordinary. During Set 2 i felt a very small pull on my right side. I racked the bar right away. Did some Cat /Cows and gave it a few minutes. Everything felt good and i thought i had solved the problem. I kept it in the back of my mind. I did three more sets with no issues. The fourth set that same tight feeling came back. I racked the bar and shut down Squats for the day. Finished the session since everything else would push blood into the questionable area.
I had no issues with any training sessions on the Friday or Saturday but I could feel my low back on the right side was tight.
Then on the 8th of September I warmed up with Sled drags. Thought Better of doing Deadlifts after a few light trials. Opted instead to do some Reverse Hypers. Sets of 15 and worked the weight up for 5 sets. No Issues. Then while stretching, not aggressively mind you I did a low hip bridge. That was it. No pain but instead that weird sensation in your back (those who have had it will know) of you are not doing anything except lay here.
I knew things were bad. I got up cursing and headed to the showers. No Hot shower was going to help this day. I got in to see the Doctor a few hours later. He called it a Low back sprain. I have pulled, strained, sprained my SI joint a few times in my life. So I know what i was dealing with. Or so I thought. Fast forward a week.
I got into see the Physio. She assessed my back in a treatment session (20 min) instead of a full Assessment session (1 hr). What she saw was not good. My low back was shifted and had a deep crease on my right side. My lack of Range of Motion also pointed in a bad direction. But the look in her eyes spoke volumes. Worry and Concern. She said it briefly, possible disc issue, but did not put stress on it as she wanted and needed more time. So i spent the weekend being careful and with doubt in my mind.
My desire to do something got the better of me and I did go to the gym Saturday, did some pull ups and biceps. Then on Sunday I did my physio work, a ton of glute work and some very light reverse hypers. Finishing up with a little calves. Pretty much just "working out" but no repercussions.
So this morning was the follow up and full assessment with the Physio. She poked, prodded, and moved me around. The difference of a few days. My back was still off. I still feel off. but there was marked improvement. I was not as deviated. My ROM looked much better.
The biggest news of all. I failed every DISC test she tried. We High 5'd that achievement. Happiest test i have ever failed.
It was narrowed down to my original molasses and gravel left hip.
She tractioned and mobilized the left hip. IMPROVEMENT in the low back.
She taped my right low back. IMPROVEMENT again.
I have to continue to work the left hip. As well as Cobra pose to sort things out. Lots of Continued Glute work. Getting in the pool is approved and a must. Lunges. Prone Knees to chest (relieves symptoms so do more)
I will hash out what my training is going to morph into now that I have guidelines and a clear path to move forward with.
One thing is for sure. This will be only a minor slow down. Grab the popcorn, get comfy, because this one is going to be entertaining!
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |