Sunday, May 4, 2014

04 May- LTT8 The After Math part 2

Saturday -I woke up with excitement and a little trepidation. Last year when i went to LTT6 i was 6 mths post Op. So i guess i had a built in excuse to suck. This time there was no crutch and i was going to get torn apart. Time to be humbled, learn, and then move forward.

Ok so who were my coaches? Dave Tate & Matt Wenning

An experienced lifter would be intimidated by that duo. The excitement came because there was no way i would not improve.
Driving to the Compound i gave the young kid who traveled all the way from Scotland to be at this seminar. It was good to have someone to chat with so as to not let my own mind take over on the drive to the Compound. The added Bonus is that Tom was also in our group of trainees. Upon arriving the Nasty group was already underway, they were going through a simulated meet day. from what i was able to see throughout the day there was some very impressive Lifting. I watched one guy Squat 7 plates aside and make it look like a warm up he moved it so fast.
The Compound shortly after my arrival

It turned out when our group got together i had a few people from the LTT6. So it the familiarity helped all of our nervousness. We all wanted to be there to learn and improve but to humbled in the process is tough for anyone and i commend all the attendees that came out.

I have been fighting my left Hip for nearly 8 mths. I have been working with my RMT to correct the issue. It had gotten to the fact i could not squat due to the pain /discomfort from day to day. I had started squatting again at the direction of Harry onto a high box to avoid the pain but keep weight on my back.

Dave and Matt went through how to squat onto a box because it is the easiest way to teach and correct squat technique. When it came my turn to squat it felt like i was hyper aware of my left hip. I set up as directed (or tried to) and then Dave would correct the minor things i still had to learn to correct. Down to the box, bump!
"Feel that? that is your hamstring weakness" Dave Tate
back up, a little tighter, down and up. 
Dave and Matt Coaching the Squat

The crazy part was. NO PAIN. Simply by correct my technique my pain /discomfort was gone. Now the weakness reared it's head as the session wore on. I fought through as best i could but it was good because it allowed Dave and Matt to Assess things and give me feed back on my hip issue

All day Matt Wenning stressed one over riding factor and it sunk home from the very first time he said it:

"Train your Weaknesses, it will make you strong(er)" -Matt Wenning
Matt Wenning imparting Knowledge Bombs

After the Squats Dave and Matt Covered some Accessory movements they use and highly recommend to re-enforce proper Squat positioning by moving into a different position so as to avoid the wear and tear of the movement on the joint but with still re-enforcing the muscle strength required to hold the proper position.

Next up was Bench. Dave had Mike Mireles who was in our group, has his own gym (High Performance Fitness) and has been to a few LTT's. Mike did a great job, it was like watching a Dave Tate Bench video. Dave Commended him and then they took the pressure off Mike. Matt and Dave added a few more minor technique cues for us to focus on.

The biggest take-a-way that Matt hammered home was wrist position (neuatral), elbow position (under wrist) and Push the bar in a straight line.

When things started getting heavy my left shoulder started to show up, to the point where Matt asked if i have had shoulder issues. I told him about last summer and the past yr. This upper back weakness showed up again later and i know how to tackle it.
David Allen, Myself, Dave Tate.
I really need to learn to smile for photos

Last was the Deadlift where Matt had us Pull Sumo and Conventional and then when things started to get heavy he had us pick one or the other and then continue to lift. I managed a very fast Sumo of 315 lbs. I could tell that my hip was not liking the Sumo DL positioning, which tells me i need to train more to strengthen my hip and glutes. I shut Sumo down there and then carried on with Conventional. I got to 455 lbs before my weakness should up again. When i went to pull 455 my entire upper back collapsed. Everything before that was nice and smooth

So ultimately i walked away with what i really need to hammer home to improve my lifting. Upper back, and Lat work. Glute, and hip work. This is great and I know where to go from here.

During the day i did get to see a few of the other groups lifting and training.

Bob Youngs & Harry Selkow - Both of these guys have learned a long time ago to live in the moment and are consistently happy. Seeing Bob Youngs all weekend when ever he smiled he smiled with his eyes, he gets it, what is important to him in life. Harry is the same way. It came out in how they inspired, taught,  and entertained their various groups of trainees. Watching Harry Coach is part Sideshow and part education but all intensity.

Matt Rhodes & Vincent Dizenzo - These guys are a dynamic Duo. I should also mention Matt was 3 weeks post Op on his hip. His dedication to EFS and to passing on knowledge is intense and shows his passion. He did a great job all weekend articulating and educating what he wanted both during his lecture and during his group sessions with Vinnie. Of course having Vincent, CLHS, who is a 600 lbs bencher in THREE weight classes would be insane for any one to get instruction from.

Q&A - I was given the honour and chance to ask 2 questions. The first one i totally butchered Joe Schillero last name to my nightmare (which for some reason even as i was saying it i knew i was saying it wrong but could not stop my mouth.) It did cause massive laughter with JL Holdsworth who has been giving Joe a hard time about how people mis-pronounce his name all the time. Joe was more miffed because JL will be giving a hard time for another 12 months. I talked to Joe afterwards and he was cool. I am super proud of all he has done especially in the last year. Him and I were in the same trg group at LTT6 and now he is an author with EliteFTS and was one of the coaches at the seminar.
Proof that Joe and I are still friends after the Q&A

The answer to my question: "Discovering how big Training environment is to my own training and learning." Got it Joe I will be mixing things up over the summer.

My Second Question was for Matt Wenning: "In the Army there are guys who like to run and guys who like to lift. What i always stress is that Conditioning comes and goes. But strength takes a long time to build so when things get busy keep trying to just get stronger"
Dave wrapping up the seminar.

Dave finished up the Seminar by answering a few questions, some that were asked of him earlier and some that he wanted to put his twist on.

"When i hear people ask about motivation what i hear is an execution problem. I usual ask them what there execution is like. Usually it fucking sucks." -Dave Tate

This answer has been ringing in my head for a week now. out of everything i learned this weekend if i don't continue to work on my execution none of what i learned will matter.

He also talked about why this is the last LTT Seminar. Where things are headed for Elite FTS and the Family /Team of EFS. What he has entrusted or challenged them with. Dave has started a legacy that has affected a lot of people in very positive ways. He has had a huge impact on me, my life, and my training. I thank him for that. I look forward to what is to come from EFS. But most of all I look forward to what I am going to be accomplishing in the future. Thanks to EFS, Dave Tate, Mark Watts, and the entire rest of the Elite FTS Staff for another amazing experience.
Myself and Odin aka Harry Selkow

Saturday, May 3, 2014

29 April 2014 - After math of LTT8 Part 1

So i have decided i will get back to writing. Just in time for me to leave for a month. But when i am home probably 2-3 days a week.

So last weekend was the Learn to Train seminar 8 in Ohio, if you recall i went to Learn to Tran 6 this time last year. Once again it was a phenomenal experience. A lot of fun, laughs, and education. I walked away with a ton of info for my own training and another ton for anyone i train or work with who comes to me with questions from time to time.
They stayed home and enjoyed the sun.

I got an email from Mark Watts regarding my group for the Seminar. I was excited and nervous at the same time. More or on that later. I did get to sleep though.

Got off decently early enough for the drive (6 am). Decided this time because i did not have any detours to make that i would go over the border at the thousand islands, south to Syracuse and west from there. The drive took me about 10 hrs total.
2 things i learned:
-Bring music (or maybe i should get satellite radio) when driving through northern Pennsylvania as there is a 3:1 ratio of Christian talk radio stations to everything else. There is not much of anything else.
-if you don't go pee before leaving NY State you will not be able to go again until nearly Ohio.

I got into Ohio at about 4 pm, skimmed through traffic and despite the GPS telling me the Hotel entrance was on the opposite side of the building no real issue. When i checked Seminar Complimentary WiFi and Valet parking. Score!

Checked out the room, Checked into the seminar where i got an excellent schwag bag of goodies. Made a quick trip to Walmart /Krogers for snacks and then it was off to bed at a reasonable hour. I knew the day of knowledge bombs was going to be exhausting.
Matt Rhodes, Myself, Vincent Dizenzo,CLHS, The Supple Rhino


Jonathon Mike - His topic was about Over training. He re-introduced me to a term i had forgotten, Over reaching. He laid out the Criteria between Over Reaching vs Over Training in an easy to understand way. As well as the concept of using Over Reaching intentionally if properly programmed. Great Presentation and you can tell the dude is a walking Encyclopedia of Training Knowledge. He does nearly have his Doctorate after all.

Scott Stevenson- Dude is tanned, Jacked and Huge! He looks like he could step on stage at any moment. Which helps a lot when he is talking about Peri-workout nutrition. He presented  a lot of interesting studies to prove different concepts and things to try. Some exciting stuff. I will be giving some of the concepts a try in regards to my own nutrition protocols for training. Some of them i was already headed in that direction I just need to tweak a few things.

Harry Selkow- Dude looks like Odin. I am very proud to call him my Coach, Mentor and Friend. If you ask anyone to describe Harry with a single word that  has ever spent 5 min with him, the only word you would hear is AWESOME. He really is a living embodiment of all things awesome. I caught him in the Hallway before he came into talk this year, so he didn't trample 4 people to come give me a massive Hug. As always we hug well into the "awkward" time frame. Now as for his lecture. He opened with the Lumber jack story which set the tone for his presentation and the general theme of the day. He has presented me with ideas to radically change my entire programming approach. I will be shifting from a smaller 1 month approach to a 12 month approach.
Harry entertaining and educating his group of trainees

JL Holdsworth - JL was the first presenter after lunch, the only presenter to go over time, and despite being right after lunch, NO ONE fell asleep. The Dude is very passionate and it came through in spades. He talked about the business side of starting and operating your own Gym. As well he told a few personal stories. He is right when he mentioned that his Moms In Love with Fitness was a tremendous idea, just the wrong demographic. His presentation was excellent even for those in the room like myself who don't have a business or are considering opening one soon. There was a lot of take-aways about life in general. Being Truthful, having a back bone, and presenting who you are while not making apologies for it. You will get more respect in the long run for not pretending to be something or someone you are not.

Matthew Rhodes - He spoke about trg Varsity athletes. He is the head S&C Coach at RIU. His training template had a lot of similarities to Harry Selkow's (great minds think a like) but with a few minor changes to fit his athletes. He also spoke about about the differences of coaching basketball vs Soccer and Male vs Female to get the required results. I took some very personal things away from his presentation that i will also be able to apply in my own life. Also of note Matt's Presentation is also a big game changer for me, combing it with Harry's Template is just what i am looking for. The biggest take away from Matt Rhodes' presentation: "1 Cup of Sugar you have Cheesecake, 2 Cups you no longer have Cheesecake" -Harry Selkow

Vincent Dizenzo - CLHS (Certified Lifter of Heavy Shit). The Supple Rhino. 
He covered the list of things you need to do to achieve your goals. Doing all the small things, every day.
Very interesting presentation. A great reminder that forgetting to do one small thing in a training cycle can spell doom for your goals, but would also giving you the necessary feedback to make sure you include it next time. i also got a great great acronym from Vinnie as well: NARP Gym :Non Athletic Real Person Gym.

Dave Tate - The last presenter. He decided to trash his original presentation or at the very least not use his slides show. What he proceeded to go through was pure gold, could have been a full day talk, and was the decision maker for him to release a 10, 00 word article on the topic.
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental movements
Watch the video or read the article and think. Just think about it for 10 min. It may seem stupid simple but how many of us are doing just this build or training upwards?

"You have the right to not agree, You have the right to be wrong too" -Harry Selkow
JL showing how damn strong he really is.

After the presentations i ran upstairs for 20 min to drop my stuff off, shower and quickly change. This was just enough to let my brain relax after a full day of knowledge bombs. It was back downstairs for the meet and greet. I got to talk or listen to quite a few of the attendees and coaches. I had a great time time talking to Matt Rhodes and 2 PL's from Alabama i think they were from. Both great guys. Matt Rhodes is a fucking funny dude, and then put him in a room with Vincent Dizenzo and the laughs are off the chart, pretty much the whole weekend.
I also got to spend some quality time with Harry Selkow and a few others of the team. i will stop name dropping. It was a great time, hearing a lot of these guys speak frankly and truthfully just like they do online was great.. I stayed until we were kicked out of the room. The next day was the lifting.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)